Chapter 3- Another encounter?

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Hey guys! I hope you are ready for this chapter!

Buckle in and enjoy the ride. <3

I promise it'll get more interesting next time.


Chapter 3- Another encounter?

She turned to face one of the blonde boys from the front row.

Although Adrien's face was smothered all over Paris, as the boy stared into her eyes she just couldn't tell which cousin it was. They had the same face. Beautiful forest green eyes. Stunning golden locks. Even the same lips. Plump and pink.

The boy placed his hands on Marinette's shoulders and began to shake her.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" he called.

Within an instant, she was brought back to reality with a yelp.

"I-I uh sorry about that." Marinette responded sheepishly, as she rubbed her hand on the back of her head.

As her eyes refocused, she recognised the figure to be Adrien.

"It's okay," he replies with a sweet smile, "I'm Adrien, nice to meet you." He holds out his hand to greet her.

"Oh, I know," she giggles shyly, "I've seen your face all over the place, but yes nice to meet you too."

She waits a second before continuing, " I figure you heard my name earlier, but I'm Marinette." she awkwardly states before shaking his hand- desperately attempting to keep her cool.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door which interrupts their conversation. They both glance over, only to see Félix leaning against it with a smug grin.

"C'mon Adrien, as much as it pains me to take you away from the pretty girl, you promised to show me around." he interjects.

Marinette immediately flushed a cute shade of red.

Adrien looked back and forth between Marinette and Félix before replying.

"I did, didn't I" he huffed.

Taking one sympathetic look at Marinette, he began to leave the classroom.

As he reached the door, he apologised.

"Sorry Mari-," he stopped himself, "I can call you that, right?" he questioned.

She nodded slightly and waved goodbye.


Slowly but surely, each lesson started and ended.

Marinette met all of her teachers and got all her seating arrangements sorted. In science she shared a bench with Kagami and Alya, ( a bubbly brunette who she quickly made friends with) and in maths, Marinette sat next to nobody other than Chloé Bourgeois herself. Neither of the two were impressed.

Thankfully, she didn't sit there for long, because Chloé menacingly threatened the poor teacher to force her to move seats. So by the end of class, Mari found herself seated at the back once again, but this time sandwiched by two girls called Rose and Juleka.

Rose seemed to be a sweet girl. With a short blonde haircut, and pale lips she was the definition of naïvety. Her friend Juleka however, was the polar-opposite. She had beautifully long dark hair and fringe with bright purple highlights that covered the left side of her face. Supported by her pale skin and bold red eyes, she almost resembled a vampire.

Marinette noticed the chemisty between the three of them in an instant and so they silently gossiped for the entirety of the class. They didn't miss anything important as (seeing it was the first day of school) no work was done or set. It was purely introductory.

As quick as the school day started, it ended. Before making her trip home however, Alya came running over to Marinette. They exchanged numbers and arranged to meet up outside school the next day. Excitedly, Mari began to skip home.

"I made a friend" she gleamed.


Adrien reluctantly left his last class of the day. His cousin Felix had been stuck to him like glue the whole time. Adrien wondered why his cousin didn't go off and do his own thing but shrugged it off.

"It was his first day. He must still be settling in." He thought to himself.

On his way out of the building (with Félix on his tail), he met his friend Nino.

Nino was tall with tan skin and brown hair and eyes. He always wore his red cap paired with his signature orange headphones and black glasses. Overall, Nino was a relaxed guy but was he regularly frowned upon by adults because of his dream to be a DJ and his overuse of the term 'dude'. But he was one of Adrien's friends nonetheless.

"Hey dude!" Nino chimed, giving his buddy Adrien a fist bump.

"Hey Nino, what's up." Adrien replied whilst Félix followed closely behind.

"Hey Adrien's cuz," Nino added when he finally caught up, offering a high five.

"Uh hello?" Félix arrogantly replied whilst blatantly ignoring the gesture.

Alas! The awkward aura soon disappeared as Adrien's bodyguard arrived at the school to pick up him and his cousin.

"Ah that's us," Adrien sighed, "Bye Nino! Text me okay?"

He begrudgingly strolled over to the car. Félix went around to the other side and got in. As Adrien moved to sit down, he first waved goodbye to Nino and then turned back only to lock eyes with a girl he met earlier.

"Marinette?" he thought as he sent her a quick wave before getting dragged in the car by his cousin.

The bodyguard swiftly started the engine. He waited for Adrien's directions.

"I know I've a modelling shoot shortly-" he nervously starts, "but Félix here needs to be dropped at home first."

With a low grunt of agreement, the bodyguard started driving them back to the Agreste mansion. Before they got there although, Adrien heard a cry from outside the car. To his dismay, he spotted an elderly gentlemen halted in the middle of the street.

"Stop the car!" he shrieked, startling both his cousin and bodyguard. Without thinking he opened his door and ran out to save the man.

With a thud they grazed the tarmac floor. Thoroughly, Adrien wiped off all the dirt off his clothes and checked for any cuts (the modelling agency wouldn't be happy with a damaged model). It took a second before he remembered the old man.

"Ah," he frantically commented, "I am so sorry, I was distracted."

He attempted to create amends with his honest smile.

"Thank you son," he smiled back. "although you've no need to apologise. Now hurry along, you seem to have people waiting for you."
The man pointed back at the car to Adrien's bodyguard- who was grunting impatiently whilst sticking his head out of the window.

"Of course, but let me help you first." Adrien complied. He helped bring the elderly man to his feet and back to the pavement.
"Goodbye now." he adds.

As the old man started down the street, he turned back at the boy who promptly hopped back into the car. A small creature whipped out of the man's inner jacket pocket and whispered.

"Did you make the right choice, Master?"

"I believe I did Wayzz." was the only response.


End of Chapter 3

Well, what did you think?

Maybe next chapter we will meet the heroes?

Find out soon!

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