Part 1

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Kumandra, Rayas dads dream, their lands history. It used to be split into five cities, Fang, Spine, Talon, Tail and Heart. After the dragons got turned into stone by the drunn a curse formed by human discord there was nothing but a dragon gem to protect them.  Made or so Raya thought by Sisu, a dragon of water. The druun took her father, because She trusted someone she shouldn't have. So she dedicated her life to bringing the spirit together, it was a pretty tough 6 years. But she managed to find Sisu and bring her Ba back with the help of some good people she met on the way. And Namaari, the person who backstabbed her, the one she shouldn't have trusted? Well they're working on their relationship now. Trying to start fresh. They are Kumandra now after all.


"Raya" Boun called picking up a piece of concrete.

When the water ran out the druun hit Fang the hardest. A lot of the city was torn apart, even though the other lands blamed Fang for what happened years ago, they are Kumandra now, and need to help out the fellow community get back up on its feet. The dragons are helping a lot, they each have a special power.

"I'm coming Boun" Raya gets up and runs over to him pushing him playfully.

She starts picking up some ruin when she sees Queen Virana, the Queen of Fang, Namaari's mother,speaking with her father. They looked deep into conversation. Keeping her eyes on them she brushes off her hands and wipes the access off on her pants.

"Careful Princess, wouldn't wanna ruin your outfit" Namaari smirks walking up to her.

"Sup dep la, liking the view" Raya smirks back facing her confidently.

"You'd like that wouldn't you" Namaari says slyly

As she was about to make a snarky remark back they hear a call, meaning they should all go and gather around the Queen. Boun puts down his stuff and starts running towards the forming crowds. Raya yells for him to be careful while Namaari starts walking next to her. They both give each other quick glances. Staying silent they speed up a little and get up to Rayas Ba and Namaari's mom. Walking up to stand next to their parents Queen Virana starts to talk.

"We all know what happened was a tragedy. Our buildings were ruined, and in the past few weeks with the help of our community and the dragons we have rebuilt a lot. But not enough. Sadly we can't build enough housing for everyone. I have decided that spreading out is the only option we have right now."

Raya looks over at Namaari who is looking back at her. Looking away quickly she sees her falter. Even though they are united now, they still have their lands. Namaari dedicated her life to protecting her people and homeland. Seeing it all crumbled and destroyed must be
heart-wrenching. Raya knew the feeling. When the dragon gem broke her land went from living to stone. Literally.

Raya looks around at concerned and sad faces as Queen Virana delivers the news. The heavy weight now placed on all hearts you could feel from miles high, this would be the worst and best time to crack a joke. The lands all stay silent for a moment before returning back to their places.

Raya stares over at Namaari who is silently picking up some access ruin. She could hear the whispers from everyone as they talked about where they would go. Some whispered about how they felt bad, while a lot retorted on how they deserved it. Walking closer to Namaari , she puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay" She ask with empathy in her tone.

She looks up at Raya trying to hold back the pain in her chest.

"You know, when someone is clearly not okay, usually asking them if they're okay makes it worse." She laughs a little failing to hush the cracking in her voice.

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