Part 4

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Walking into the palace Raya starts heading off to her room while her Ba gathers the workers to tell them what's going on.

"Coming?" Raya smirks looking back at Namaari who is just taking it all in.

"This is beautiful." Namaari says looking around while they walk.

"Thanks, everything is exactly how I remember. Which is good I guess." Rayas words felt a little forced at the end, but she kept a chipper tone, did it help the pain? Not at all.

Tension rises again as the two princesses walk in silence. Namaari stares at the designs on the walls, scanning over them to help ease the awkwardness she felt. Raya just kept her head high looking straight forward. These moments were the times where they both wanted to say a million things, but nothing at all.

"So you wearing that to the party?" Raya asks a with a little bit of snark in her tone.

"Why can I not?" Namaari asks looking down at what she was wearing

"I mean it's not bad, but like this is a party with all the Chiefs." Raya laughs

"You could've told me this sooner!"

"I thought it would be a no brainer." Raya teases

"Now I'm gonna look like a mess and it's your fault." Namaari laughs nudging Raya a little.

"You don't look a mess. We'll give u a cute apron to go over that. You'd look, adorable."

Namaari just gives her a blank stares which earns a small laugh from the other princess. Namaari feels the slightest bit of heat on her cheeks and looks away.

After walking for a few more seconds they get to Rayas room.

"Okay well we're here." Raya smiles

Namaari stands there kind of awkwardly. Never in her life did she imagine being here. She never thought they'd get to this point. Of course Raya had to trust her that one time but after the whole gem thing she still thought they'd only be acquaintances.

"You can come in you know." Raya says from inside the room.

"You sure?" Namaari questions

Raya just pulls Namaari in and shuts the door. Walking to her closet she opens it to find her clothes she normally wears washed.

Namaari walks around, looking at every detail. Her room looked untouched. Like she had made a mark before but hadn't done anything since returning back. She sits on Rayas bed and lays back. It felt comfortable but haunting. Six years, not being in this bed for six whole years. She hears Raya moving around and snaps back to reality.

"So what do you think of my room. So me right." Raya laughs while getting changed.

Namaari found that Raya didn't seem phased by the fact that she was in there. Maybe Namaari was just over thinking everything. She had good reason to. Raya had good reason not to let her in at all, but still she opened her with welcoming and hopeful arms. Something she got from her Ba.

"Wow is it that bad." Raya laughs

"No, not at all. Way better than my room." Namaari chuckles and sits up looking over at Raya not realizing she was still changing. Namaari looks away quickly and covers her eyes. "Sorry."

"For what?" Raya laughs. "Well at least you admitted my room is better. Which means I'm better at everything."

"Wait how did that comment even imply anything like that."

"Well since I'm better at something as simple as a room. I must be better at everything else too." Raya smirks and laughs laying next to Namaari.

Silence fills the air, but this silence was welcoming and comfortable. The air didn't fill with invisible tension, it was light and warm.

"You know" Raya starts turning to face Namaari "this all feels so weird. Just yesterday it was only Tuk Tuk and I. Now I've gained so many new friends, I got my Ba back, and I finally get to start working on knowing the me that isn't on edge all the time. The me that would've been if all this stuff didn't happen." 

Namaari just stays silent. She watched Rayas face change as she talked about different things. When her eyes looked up or when they looked down. She had no idea what to say, nothing can comfort the pain that Raya endured. Even if you tried, sometimes the only thing you'd receive back is anger.

Raya just fell silent along with Namaari. She didn't exactly know what response she was expecting, but sometimes silence is better. Though the other princess stayed silent, her focus and her eyes said a million words. Anger didn't fill her when she got no response, but the feeling that maybe there's so many emotions that you just can't express how you feel. Either way, she felt like there was a connection. Focusing on the princess in front of her she saw the slightest shield of tears form on her eyes. Before her brain could react she saw her finger brush Namaari's hand.

Namaari felt the softest touch on her palm that sent shivers down her spine. She looked down and found Rayas finger wrapped around hers. She looks up at Raya who seemed just as caught up in the moment.

They kept their glances separate until they both looked at each other at the same moment. That feeling came back, that tension. It felt like it was always there and they didn't know why it happened. It felt like they needed to do something to release it. But what.

"Princess Raya"

They hear a knock that makes them both jump.
Clearing their throats awkwardly they sit up.

"Right the party." Raya says fidgeting a little.

"Yeah." Namaari forces a short laugh.

They both get up and head out the door. Both wondering what a moment like that insinuates.
I guess only time will tell.

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