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Isn't Blue the cutest? Everything he does and says is so adorable!

Everything around him just screams.. Small!

Both Rainbow and Syntax just love this fact and would sometimes compliment him about it.

Blue.. doesn't like it that much though..

Let's just say... They got a taste of the meaning "Small but terrible".


Ugh.. Why are his boyfriends are so tall?! While one of them is freaking 6'0 and the other is 5'8.

And he... Is 4'9..

That's just so unfair!

He didn't like that he always has to look up, the way Rainbow teases him about it and the pain!

The neck pain is just the worse.

Good thing he can always pull them down for a kiss.

It's better for them to have back pains than him, anyway.

That's their punishment for being  giants.


Every now and then, Rainbow would send him hearts in various ways that he could think of.

It's either be from paint that he drew on air and would blow it to him or random hearts that's sticking on the walls for him to see when he wakes up or cards that he would send whenever Blue was on a mission.

Rainbow said that it was a reminder for him.

"I may not have a SOUL, but you'll always have my heart."


Syntax is doing it again.

He caught himself staring at Blueberry once again. He had stared at a lot of AUs in his lifetime. Some are gruesome, dark and just reeks of negativity. While some are just prettier than the others, like OuterTale for example.

But Blueberry is in a whole different level.

He's not just a pretty AU. He's always left in awe, he took Syntax's breath away and taken his heart too.

And the way he stares back at him with his eyelights full of love and affection.

He'll never get tired staring at him. He is and will always will be mesmerizing to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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