Joss In Hospital

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The constant ringing of cellphones irritated Bright as he with frustration opened his eyes only to check who's disturbing his precious sleep although he is happy about his dream because he now knew that dream is going to be a reality sooner or later and he can't wait to mark Win to show everyone that whom Win belong to.

His hand hold the cellphone as he pressed the green button. The voice from the other side is not clear and it's very low as if the person from the other side is speaking being frightened. He growled in frustration as he asked, "Why am I getting call in so early morning?" And then what happened next make him awake fully, "Joss is in hospital and his condition is very serious."

Bright just said that he is on his way hang up the call and pull off his blanket. Than he noticed that he had to take cold shower and he immediately showered dressen up and left from the home to the hospital.

Tay without panicking Win excused himself from the home saying that he has work which he doesn't have as he rushed to hospital. Upon reaching Tay met Bright and asked him as exactly what happened? Bright called a guy and repeated the same question.

Within a second the guy revealed what exactly has happened. "The club was being damaged by some mobster as Joss didn't allow anyone to sell drugs other than his one in the clubs. So it all started with fight we didn't inform Joss as we thought we could manage until they starting shooting our people and destroying the stuffs from the club.

When Joss came to club the situation was pretty bad though Joss handled the situation until an guy in his forties shoot Joss straight to his heart from backside and dash the way out of the door. Though some of our men ran behind him but he couldn't him yet and I brought Joss to hospital.

Then the doctor came out and asked who's the patient family? It was then Tay and Bright both said I'm the family at the same time and follow the doctor. The doctor took them to his cabin and made them seated as he said, "Joss's condition is quite critical there's very much low chances of his survival rate but we are trying our best.

To which Tay asked didn't Joss got shot to his heart? Doctor gave a weak smile and said,"Let's say it's not bullet which is the problem but the compounds of the bullet. Both Bright and Tay look at the doctor in such a way as if he has grown an another head. Doctor seem to understand their expression as he continued,"The bullet is made of poison which when enters your body start its work by making you feel numb or unconscious and slowly stop functioning of the all body parts.

And in some hours the person is dead to go in graveyard. Bright looked at Tay and said, "Don't worry Joss is a fighter and nothing can defeat him." Tay only nod his head as his cellphone start to vibrate. He look at the caller ID and let out a breath when he saw its Win who is calling. He excused himself and gone out of the cabin to a little bit less crowdy place.

As soon as he picked up the call he heard angry Win's voice. He couldn't help but laugh when he imagine Win being angry. He immediately explained himself so that Win won't stay much angry with him. And to his surprise Win understood the situation and isn't angry with his big brother anymore.

The door to the room get opened and revealed the dark room. The owner of the room didn't bother to turn on the lights as he only walked towards the bathroom. He removed his gloves and throw it in the dustbin as he started undressing himself one by one and threw all his clothes in the dustbin.

To everyone's surprise he is wearing another set of clothes in those clothes as he slowly removed his face mask and threw it in the dustbin. He removed a lighter from his pocket, ignite the fire and put the fire on those clothes. As the fire start burning the clothes it make some light and reveal the face in the mirror. There is a mischievous smirk and at the same time a relaxed expression on the face.

And then it's revealed that the person who just burned the clothes is no one other than Earth. He watched everything turning into ash. And flush those ash in the toilet. He came out of the bathroom and turned on the bedroom light.

As soon as his eyes fell on Win's picture there is a smile which comes from his heart as he said, "Joss will be dying in some hours." He had a dry laugh and started murmuring to himself that I don't have any personal fight with Joss but Joss eventually find out my secret. And since Joss is dating Tay so I couldn't let Win knew about this secret. "

He look at Win as he is now holding Win's  picture as he said," I won't let anyone come in between us and I won't let you go away from me. "

With that he put his head on bed and close his eyes.

HI guys I'm back with another chapter. So how's the chapter? Do you guys like it?

What's Earth's secret which made Earth to attenpt to kill Joss? Will Joss survive and will Earth's secret be out?

Let's find together in next chapter.

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Lots of Love from LilFlower 💙💙

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