Memory Lane

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Tay was at bar drinking as the grief he has is been over bearable and he wanted this grief to fade away by getting drunk. As he paid the bill and has just get off the bar when he stumbled and was about to fall on the ground when a pair of hand helped him from falling to ground.

Tay was totally drunk as he just murmured thank you and passed out in the arms of the guy who has just saved him. After a couple of hours, Tay opened his eyes and find himself in an unfamiliar place which made him get alerted as he slowly step out of the bed and walked towards the door with one hand on his gun and another turning the knob.

As soon as he opened the door he saw a guy who's eyes were black with the same color hair, his red lips turned into smile as the morning sunlight reflects on his fair skintone. "I guess you had a good sleep" asked the stranger. Tay only nodded his head as he asked, "Where am I and did you bring me back home." The guy smiled as he replied, "Why don't we discuss all this on breakfast".

Tay smiled as he followed the guy downstairs for breakfast. As they both were eating the guy introduced himself, "I'm Newwie and I tried asking you for your home last night but you didn't said anything so with no option left I brought you to my place." Tay felt at ease which he wasn't sure why did he as he is sitting across to a complete stranger. Tay too introduced himself.

Tay thanked the guy and called for his guard to pick him up. Both Tay and New never imagined that they both will meet once again that too so early as they parted away from each other by thinking that it was just an another stranger in life.

Not after three or four days, Tay headed to meet his head lawyer who managed all his legal things as he didn't expected to meet New over there. Both the guys were surprised to see each other as they didn't thought to meet so soon. New is the new assistant of Tay's head lawyer.

And New is surprised to know about Tay's identity. But with passing time both the guys bounded well until New became the head lawyer after the retirement of the head lawyer and this made New to have direct interaction in Tay's life.

As one evening both Tay and New were in a party and both were slightly drunk. This lead to the new start of their bond and a new relation which brought them together. As New decided to drop Tay at his place because he is drunk more than him and it's only fair to look for one's boss.

As Tay stepped out of the car he hold the hand of New and took him inside. New at first was shock by the reaction of Tay but when he brought New to his room and confessed his feelings. New's eyes filled with tears because he thought this was only one sided. New immediately responded with yes when Tay asked him to be his boyfriend.

Tay kissed New and New returned the kiss as this lead to their steamy moment. With Tay tearing the clothes of New and tasting his body with his tongue on the other hand New decided to leave the bites marks on Tay's body as both the guy took turn in kissing each other bodies. Until Tay decided to enter inside New. At first, it is pain but soon it turned into pleasure as New kept asking for more and more.

Tay kissed him passionately as this feeling is felt by him after three years. When he was about to release he let the thick white fluid flow in New's mouth as he himself sucked the every drop of New's fluid. The whole night passed by desire, passion and exploring each other as both the guys kept showing their love for each other whole night.

The first ray of sunshine fell on both the guys as they were sleeping naked hugging each other. That night brought happiness to both Tay and New as they came into a relationship of love and  understanding. Slowly, New learned about Win and how much he meant for him.

Bright was unaware of Tay dating someone as both the guys live seperately and talked mostly about work. So when Bright and Tay came back home and Bright saw a stranger in his home he was ready to shot him with a gun until Tay stopped him.

As for Tay, he didn't know that New has came to South Korea because he was busy in Thailand managing the law firm and other legal matters of Tay. New who saw the expression on Tay's face laughed as he ran towards him and hugged him. On the other hand, Bright has once again got surprise.

Tay hold the hand of New and look at Bright as he announced, "This is New, my boyfriend and we have been together for past thirteen years." Bright laughed as he instantly replied, "It looks like today is the day where I'm only getting surprises."

He hugged Tay and New and congratulated them. He look at New and said, "Welcome to the family, we may be crazy but we love our loved ones till the end." New chuckled as he nodded his agreement.

The three guys settle on their seat as New look at the both guys with serious expression on his face. He then said, "Well I miss you babe that is also the reason why I'm here but most importantly I'm here because I know where to find Win."

This latest announcement both surprised expression on Tay as well as Bright's face as they both didn't expected a guy from Thailand will help them in finding Win.

Hey guys I'm back with another chapter. So to all those who were shipping Tay & Joss I would like to apologize them. But Tay is not single as he has New with him.

Hope you guys like the chapter!

Share your views with me and let me know about your opinions. Also please keep on voting, following and showering your love.

What do you think has New to say and how does he know where is New?

Do check my others work by the name, "Boys Over Flower Bl-Version." 

Lots of Love from LilFlower 💙💙

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