Part 1

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(Disclaimer: This is my opinion and fanmade. This is not a personal attack on people who think differently)

The first part is my view of Catra's history also the history of the Magikats. Half Moon is the kingdom of the Magikats and it was that in the original She Ra. To me all of the Magikats are dead other than Catra and later Finn(catradora child). The Magikats are very loyal and while they had leaders they still served Horde Prime and tried to help him find Despondos. They nearly did but for some reason (aka I couldn't come up with a reason LOL) all of Half Moon got burnt down and now its just ruins. Catra was just about 3 and half at the time half moon burnt down. But how did she survive you might ask? Star(part 4). Star saved her and took her close to where the horde was. Its unknown why she did that (again can't come up with a reason) but when she did land she intentionally erased little Catra's memory of Half Moon so the last magikat could live her life. She quickly disappeared when little Adora came along. 

Now let me explain the life of the magikats. First off, they can't speak catspeak (cat language). Similar to training to be a priest, there was a single religion and the magikats who studied hard enough could speak catspeak. It takes many years of study, possibly a decade! Now one may, ask why did they work so hard to learn catspeak. Well I don't have a name for their religion but they spoke with the Star Breed. That has nothing to do with the Star that helped Catra. The Star Breed is discussed in the next part. Star Breeds can talk in Human but rarely ever do and especially not to humans. Mostly they speak catspeak. Now (I'll just say this so I won't spoil the next part) the Star Breed was very connected to spirits and the spirit world. Therefore, to talk to their ancestors, Magikat priests respected the Star Breed and even learned their language. 

Do I hate Magikats? No of course not. Sure I don't believe that any more exist other than Catra but again thats my opinion and you can think yours all you want. 

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