Part 4

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Okay it is time. Time for what? Oh, to talk about Star and the galaxy protectors. 

Galaxy protectors are very old. Like they have existed since the beginning of the universe. So about 13.7 billion years old. When they were all born or created by magic, there were a lot of them. The basic way that their job worked is that each of them got half a galaxy. It's unknown if all of the galaxy protectors got along with their 'coworkers'. It might take some time to explain their powers but not as long as the Star Breed. All of the galaxy protectors have some sort of star pattern and some of them have wings. A star pattern means that a part of the animal is basically made of stars. They can't have offsprings but they can be in love with another but it's not recommended with a being that has an actual lifespan. They can be any animal cause who cares the animal? Also they cannot die. They can die but they always come back and scars don't go away. Only the injuries that killed them go away.

First off, they can bend gravity and force. Which means they can make and destroy stars. They can also shift rotation and orbit because they can bend gravity. By bending gravity the can turn it off and back on. Next, they can camouflage. Simple power. It works for all of them, scales, fur, skin, and feathers. Just their eyes didn't change and if they opened their eyes it would give them away. Next, they can make a shield of stars and it's almost indestructible but it can be broken. Next, they can create portals to go to different places. Again a simple power. Now this next power may seem like I'm making them overpowered but it's very useful in specific situations. Alright they can read minds. Now let me explain why they have this power. It's because so, if they are interrogating someone for something bad or trying to help someone, they can't lie to them. This next thing isn't technically a power its a bit of a feature. Their eyes can change color due to emotion. The colors are the same as Sims emotions but change like Rainwings. Next, they can talk. Simple. Next, they can speak any language they come into contact with. Next is healing and decay. They can heal things except for what's already dead and when they decay it turns to dust and cannot be fixed. 

Let me talk about my OC Star. She is a galaxy protector and a cat. She has wings made of stars and her paw pads are make of stars. She protects the half of the Milky Way we don't live in (aka the left side). Nova, her best friend/crush, protects the side Earth is in. The two had been fast friends since they met. She was definitely a hardworking protector. I'm not going to talk about her relationship with Krytis because I already have. Also she has a scar running from her forehead to the lower left side of her muzzle. But before she got close to Krytis she was friends with Thra. You will not know at all what that planet is unless you search it up or have watched The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance on Netflix. But stuff happened and she didn't go back but she still protected it. Star was the creator of She-Ra. Well indirectly, she created the spirit of She-Ra. She created the spirit to protect Etheria as she got pretty tired of saving Etheria a lot. It picks the bearer of the power its self. It's not the same as Raava as it takes its time to pick it's bearer of power. When it picks its normally a baby and Star has a vision of the future. She can see whether or not the power will be abused or used for evil. If it will be, she will simply extract it. Now hold on, she isn't harming a baby. To me, the spirit of she ra is 99% pure magic and 1% gravity. This is how only galaxy protectors can extract the magic. Star also never told anyone other than Nova because she wanted to keep it safe. If you think that Star is perfect, hardworking, determined, modest, and moral. Now she is most of those things......except being perfect. She has high functioning anxiety. I made her with that because I came up with her before I figured out I have high functioning anxiety so that might be why she is like that. Nobody assumes something is wrong because she still does her job. Plus at the time of Horde Prime she hadn't talked to Nova for a 1000 years straight and she had depression and was suicidal. 

That's what I got of the galaxy protectors. If this story gets updated by random, it means that I forgot something writing it the first time. 

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