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Alias: The Operator
Object Class: Euclid
Description: SCP-6565 is a tall humanoid creature that has the appearance of a teenager who is about 16 years old. He is exactly 6 feet in height and has a very built frame. SCP-6565 is not respondent to any type of communication unless it is related to a mission he is on as he serves with Mobile Task Force Kel-5 (Quiet Professionals) who take on the most important operations and usually accompany MTF unit Alpha-1 (Red Right Hand) on operations. SCP-6565 always wears his combat gear and clothing which consists of the foundations dark blue BDUs and Multicam plate carrier with a tan helmet. SCP-6565 has an unknown origin story and was found barely alive after taking out a whole platoon of GOC soldiers. He has the anomalous properties of regeneration and usually accidentally morphs his physical appearance. When he morphs (which he says is uncontrollable) he has been recorded to do 5 things, the most common having large antlers appear on his head, reminiscing those of the Red Deer. He is very intelligent and compliant to orders but is very unpredictable given his Euclid classification. If he wasn't unpredictable he would've been given the very rare Thaumiel classification. SCP-6565 is very religious in the Christian religion too, always carrying a Bible with him and having a cross inscribed into the back of his helmet. SCP-6565 seems to be scared by nothing. At this time it is unknown if that is a anomalous property or not. A test conducted between SCP-6565 and SCP-682 showed that factor as he stood proudly and with a straight face as SCP-682 insulted and mocked him. In a interview with Dr. Amelia Buck, SCP-6565 was asked if he felt a weird feeling. SCP-6565 replied with a no and the interview was stopped. The question was asked for the room he was in was right next to SCP-166's containment chamber. Dr. Bright has cleared for tests with SCP-166 and SCP-6565 ever since. SCP-6565 seems to be resistant to SCP-166's aphrodisiac effect and may be resistant to other SCPs anomalous effects, further testing would have to be required though.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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