haha thats gay

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Avengers @AvengersOfficial ✔️

Big announcements! Please check the following accounts for each person's separate announcement: @IamIronMan @CaptainAmerica @punchveryhard @hawkear @wlackbidow @redwingismychild @hammerman @bbanner @mischiefmanaged

iron pan @IAmIronMan✔️

I am pansexual

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captain gaymerica @CaptainAmerica✔️

I am bisexual and in a relationship with Bucky!

>bucgay @punchveryhard✔️

ye im dating steve and sam 

>>insert gay name here @redwingismychild✔️

im dating bucky but not steve a

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hawkbi @hawkear✔️

im bi

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lesbian @wlackbidow✔️

im lesbian and ace

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thor @hammerman✔️

I am pansexual and go by they/he/she pronouns!

>gayruce @bbanner✔️

also they're dating me

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snake @mischiefmanaged✔️

im genderfluid (they/them currently)

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bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

qna with the #askspidey tag!

>fae @nabooisunderattack

#askspidey are you in a relationship?

>>bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

@nabooisunderattack I am! My boyfriend is very cute >:)

bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

qna with the #askspidey tag!

>carrie @kerrikericary

#askspidey are any of the avengers in relationships?

>>bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

@kerrikericary I actually do have permission to tell y'all so here it is: bruce is dating thor, tony and pepper are together, clint has a wife, steve is dating bucky, bucky is dating steve and sam, sam is dating bucky, loki and nat are single

bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

qna with the #askspidey tag!

>greg @thebuttsmatch

#askspidey do you have any hobbies outside of spidermanning?

>>bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

@thebuttsmatch I do photography, dance, and science stuff!

bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

qna with the #askspidey tag!

>frogs are so cool @froglover14073

#askspidey do you know the mystery intern that hacked the si account?

>>bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

@froglover14073 mayhaps ;)

bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

qna with the #askspidey tag!

>mickey @leprosy

#askspidey you said you were into photography, have you seen those crazy high sunset and people of nyc photos?

>>bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

@leprosy i have! can't imagine how that photographer got up that high haha

bi(n)derman @imontheceiling

that's it for #askspidey! you can keep using the tag and maybe ill answer a few questions every once in a while but not all at once unless I do another qna!


smart @SInterns✔️

ok it's been a month since mysterious intern hacked si and we think we may have spotted them

>smart @SInterns✔️

so we were at the coffee machine at like 6am today because we had an urgent project and we see someone race into our lab and back out within like a minute

>>smart @SInterns✔️

so we go to chase them down because they took something and we're chasing this short guy, like 5'3 or something, while he's yelling that he'll return it when he's done

>>>smart @SInterns✔️

and we round the corner to see him race into the elevator with the hEAD OF SECURITY just as the doors close

>>>>smart @SInterns✔️

so since mr. hogan didn't do anything about mystery intern, we're just gonna assume that's who he is (all of these have been from MR)

>>>>>mouse @lice

I saw him too! I walked into the green lab earlier than normal and saw this kid with curly brown hair fixing one of our problematic things??? and he saw me and ran but I went to check if he has broken the machine and it worked even better than before it broke???

>>>>>>iron pan @IAmIronMan✔️



pitiy @pbp

I can't

>niddii @hackerzunite


>>imjiy @murderchild

you've done

>>>shuriken @WakandaPrincess✔️


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