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The darkened room gave little away to the purpose of the meeting, other than providing an accurate atmosphere. The various lights that normally brightened the room now shut off for curfew, marking the need for rest that could not yet be taken. Thanks to the slight bit of moonlight shining through the window, though, the man's silhouette could be seen just fine.

"You know I hate to ask this of you, especially considering all you've lost, but it has to be done. You're the only one who knows the streets better than any other person I could hope to send. Besides that... you're the only one I can trust to come back." He directed the words at the newly appointed Captain of the Special Operations Squad. The captain said nothing, only staring at Erwin with an unsurprising lack of emotion, despite the mission he had just been assigned.

That's right. Assigned.

Make no mistake, the Commander's tone and expression left no room for discussion. He said as much. "Like I have much of a choice. We both know damn well you don't feel an ounce of guilt sending me back, so long as I achieve whatever that gaze is so fixated upon in the future." Despite the truth in his words, Levi knew that he would set out to complete the mission in earnest. He swore to devote himself to Erwin's vision of the future, after all. He sighed.

"When do I leave?"

Commander Erwin's smile was blinding.

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