Chapter 2 . Eat Crap

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   Just as he was about to hit the ground, he felt a boot slam into his lower back. Without ODMG or anything of the sort, he was unable to maneuver in the air to avoid crashing into the ground. Which was exactly what happened. The impact knocked the wind out of his lungs as he tried to twist his body in a way that protected his limbs and head. He barely managed to do so when he felt a hand wrap itself in his locks of hair, pulling upwards so hard he almost felt a few strands come loose.

   He struggled a bit, hands searching what little ground he could reach for his dagger when his eyes caught its glimmer a few feet away. Too far to even attempt to grab without coming free somehow, and he was still too winded from the fall to consider attacking his captor. He decided to take a look at the person who dared grab him so casually, as though he were nothing more than a meddlesome child. A side glance only told him she was female, although somehow insanely strong. The arm holding Levi up didn't show a single sign of strain, nor did her grip loosen in the slightest.

   The crunching of heavy boots approached to his left, where they stopped a few inches from Levi's own. "I've got him sir. I made sure to press my knee in between his fourth and fifth ribs just enough during the fall that he'll be out of breath for a good 10 to 15 minutes. We should hurry." Levi jolted slightly at her voice. It was one of the three who had been running earlier, had spoken the names of his dead siblings. Rage filled his mind, his breathing growing heavier until he felt a stab of pain exactly where the girl said she had pressed.

"You heard the girl, Levi. Best save your breaths for your visit with Sire, I'm more than sure you'll need them. I must say, I'm disappointed in you. Only two daggers on hand? All those years I spent on you must have gone to waste the moment you took your scrawny ass above-ground, eh?" Kenny stepped closer and looked right into Levi's eyes. "You got too complacent... And it's going to cost you greatly." Levi saw something flash in his eyes before he took a step back.

"Secure the device around his neck, I don't want to take any chances with him. You saw the chaos he managed to create upstairs. Remember, prongs settled as close to his larynx as possible. I'm sure I don't need to remind the expert, though, considering how long you've worn yours. Load him up when the device connects." Kenny took off without another word in the girl's direction, his gear filling the air with a loud shriek. "Sir." The girl confirmed her orders, despite her leader already being far out of sight. She extended her left hand towards one of the men on her side, who quickly handed over what looked to be a collar.

   From what Levi could see in his position, its material was extremely durable, almost unnaturally so. It had several prongs pressing deeply into his neck, which made him try to tuck it in in reflex. "The less you move, the less severe the pain is. Just a tip." Levi only clicked his tongue in response, doing his best to regain his breath before he's completely under their control. No matter what he did, though, his lungs couldn't catch up. What the hell had the girl done to him?

   A glance at the men surrounding him showed that they were deathly afraid of the girl before him; clearly the only reason they stayed near her was due to a greater fear of Kenny. His eyes slid over to the female in question. Her hood was up, leaving only a few strands of her hair visible. Its color was vibrant, the sheen almost blinding as the light caught it at an angle. The hands currently working at the collar at Levi's throat were sure and swift, scars winding around her fingers intricately. He had to suppress a shiver, as the pattern immediately brought vines to mind. One could only imagine what else was hidden beneath the woman's cloak.

   Levi's thoughts came to a halt right as the woman's hands did the same. The collar was snug against his throat, his chance to escape gone as he had underestimated the speed at which it would be fastened. He didn't know the capabilities of the collar, and he couldn't risk the prongs injecting any sort of poison should he attempt escape again. He could only go along with their plans in the meanwhile and hope another opportunity arises to escape.

   "Up." The woman's commanding tone paired with her hand wrapped in Levi's tresses of hair made him grit his teeth in annoyance. "And just who do you think you are to be commanding me like some hound you own? You may have captured me, but you know little of my abilities and know nothing of me. Tsk, you're nothing more than a snot-nosed brat." Her grip didn't change in its ferocity as she pulled her hood down and turned to one of the goons.

   "It's connected?"

   "Y-yes, ma'am." Came a man's timid response.

   "Good. Let's give it a test, shall we? Make sure he won't be giving us trouble on the way to Sire's?"

The last word left her lips, bringing with it a burning pain that spread quickly throughout his neck, jaw, and chest. The pain was intense enough to prevent a single sound from escaping Levi's lips. The woman's face remained stoic at seeing his agony on display before her, and she bent down to where his hands were clawing at the collar. "Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it? The name's Amala, not brat, by the way. Welcome to our hell; enjoy the ride, it's the most peace you'll experience in a while."

He was thrown into the back of the car, and the pain stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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