S.R. (#6)

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He smelled of books and coffee. Both of the things that he was obsessed with. He could read any book, anytime. I mean it only takes him bout an hour to read a whole book. When I could. I always loved watching him read. It was surprising to me that someone could ever possibly read that fast. And for as long as I have known It still amazes me. He was also quite obsessed with drinking coffee. If he could not have coffee, he would be cranky. It was very rare, but also kind of scary.

He and I also would talk about books religiously. His favorite book was 'The narrative of John Smith' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It was one of Doyle's unrealized novels. And I told him my favorite book series, 'The Red Queen'. We could talk for hours and hours about some of the best books we have ever read. Or our favorite authors. I would recommend books to him, and he would recommend books to me.

He also loved his facts and statistics. At work, he loved saying random facts and giving some sort of statistics that would relate to the case. And he seemed some kind of happy to know something that none of us would have ever known. I loved it when he would say random facts, I could listen to him for hours and hours and never get bored.

His laugh and his smile were so pretty and they could light up a whole room. (Well, I know it would put a smile on my face). And then the random of things would make him laugh. And he isn't the type of person to laugh at everything, so when he does laugh, it's kind of special. He is also so caring, he puts everyone's problems and needs in front of his own. It's a good thing, but it's also a curse because sometimes he can't focus on himself.

He also loved playing chess. He used to play it with his father figure, but when his father figure left the team he wouldn't play with anyone else. So he eventually taught me how to play as well. And that's like our thing to do together. Well, play chess together and talk about books. Of course, he was better than me, and I could not in one game against him. But I was still practicing. I also refuse to play any kind of card game with him, because I know that no matter what he will win. I guess it's a perk of growing up in Las Vegas.

Magic was another one of his hobbies. He was really into doing magic tricks, but he would pull it out occasionally. But whenever he learned any new trick, I would be the first person he would show them to.

He loved his mother more than anything. I have only met her a couple of times, but she was really sweet. And when you met her you knew where he got his intelligence from. And you knew that he would do anything for her.

And then I would wake up, and he wouldn't be there anymore. I would still see his face in whatever I would do, and everywhere I went. But to get me through the day I just remembered that later I would be able to go to sleep. Because I knew that when I fall asleep. I would be able to see him. And when I can see him, I'm happy. And everything is tight again.

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