the hardest kill (#7)

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his p.o.v

He kept her in his mind like a bad memory. Was that what she was to him? He had no clue and deep in his mind, he didn't want her to be. But he had no choice. She had to be his enemy. But not in the was enemies traditionally are portrayed. It wasn't a family thing like in Romeo and Juliet. And it wasn't a vendetta thing between the two of them. It was a morally wrong thing of him to love her. She was a murderer. She had ended so many lives with her hands. So why was he completely, utterly, and stupidly in love with her? She killed men like him for fun, for her own pleasure.

her p.o.v

He followed her around like a lost little puppy. She was annoyed with it at first. She wanted to kill him, that was her whole purpose in life. But he wasn't like the men she normally killed, he was different. She would kill men that were rude and arrogant and cocky. She did as a sense to prove her superiority. So why did he make her feel different? She wouldn't stop killing him, that's for sure. She knew that the only way to stop the way she was feeling was to kill him. She knew she didn't want to, but it's what she had to do in order to make herself stop the way that she was feeling. She learned from a young age that the way to win a fight against any man is to betray them.

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