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Welcome to the first chapter my cute little puppies. Hope you give this book love and support ( ˘ ³˘)♥

 Hope you give this book love and support ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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In this world people not use to like what they have with them. They want more, more and more. No matter what is. Apparently, more of them want money, some want fame, some excess wealth, and other things.

But some people out there want nothing much, they just want to live their lives quietly, without any disturbance.


Ultimate peace.

That's the only thing she wanted from her life. Is it too much to ask? Is it possible to even have it? Is it possible that she deserves it? Does she have any right to feel that emotion?


She doesn't know.

Is she even worthy?

She asked these many questions to herself many times, guess always even when she eating or taking a bath. Because of thinking hard the result, she got from it was haunting sleepless nights.

But that didn't stop herself from asking 'is she worth it?'. And as always the answer she gets was...

No, she is not!

She is not worthy at all. Not even a percent. Because how can she be worthy of it when she is the exact one reason who made her parents cry like freaking rivers.

How can she be worthy of it when she made her parents begged in front of her to stay? Just because they don't want their lovely single daughter to leave them alone at this age.

She was in her adulthood, that's the main problem of it's.

This world is far more dangerous than we ever imagined or dreamed. It is the house of predators and blood-sucking people who want nothing but a woman who is easy to get.

People betray each other without even thinking about other feelings, and the scariest fact is that it never comes from your enemy.

They were afraid, how will their precious daughter live alone in this atrocious and wicked world.

They don't want her to struggle in her life for food or water when they have the whole factory in name of them.

Her mother's tears don't stop shedding when she saw her daughter packing her luggage, wanted to leave them, totally deserted. Her mother knows how nice her daughter is. There's no question about it.

The one who is average in her studies, but not all students are good at it.

Her parents know this and they are well aware of the fact that studying is not the only aspect from which they can judge a person's ability.

Many are good in other things, and that's what she was.

Respect, love, and appreciation are all her parents got because of her well-mannered behavior towards people.

But one day comes when she decided to leave them.

It's not like she doesn't love them, they are her heartbeats. They are someone who she needs like oxygen. She couldn't even breathe without them.

But she was a child at that time.

An innocent, naive child.

A child who unexpectedly got attracted to someone. That someone comes like another type of oxygen in her life. She believes he is very special to her and why would he not be, he was her first love.

Her first in everything.

She wanted to live her life with him. Just because she was in love with a boy who is not a good person from her parent's perspective, she decided to leave them.

Her father told her thousands of times that the person she loves is not good for her.

Many boys in this world can take better care of you than him.

"He acts differently when he is not with you, Sunu~. Try to understand that, baby. You don't know him properly. It's not even 6 months since you meet him and you're already leaving us. And I think it's better to tell you this, I saw him with a girl last night when I was on my way back home."

But she was entirely in the spell of that person's love.

"He is not like this father. You can never understand. She must be his friend."

She answered back, almost immediately, not giving a single glance to the father who was looking at him with teary eyes.

She suddenly dropped the bomb, when she notified them that he wanted to marry her as soon as possible to make her his.

How beautiful, right?

Note the sweetest sarcasm.

She made an absurd decision and left her parents and her younger brother alone.

0Her eyes cried while leaving because she will genuinely miss them. But on the other side, she has a source of happiness too since she was with her dream prince.

He liked her.

Nah, he loved her!

Or that's what she thought. The girl was 17 back then when these accidents happen with her.

And now she is 20, not smiling anymore, looking lifeless as ever, doing makeup just because she has to hide those healing scars.

To hide the fact that how much she regrets doing what she did more than 2 years ago.

She regrets loving him. She regrets leaving her parents. She regrets taking that one step in her life that leads to where she is now.

She missed them.

She missed her parents.

She missed that beautiful enchanting peace.


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