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Haruka is flung, once again, against the lockers by this demon of a girl, Marissa. "You were in my way, freak. Now appologise to me." Marissa growls. Haruka doesnt meet her eyes, just keeps looking at the floor. Just ignore her. Haruka thinks to herself. Demongirl pushes her down onto the ground. "Whatever." she sais finally. "Your not even worth the time." Her friends around her laugh in nison as they all walk away.

Haruka stands and starts brushig off her baggy jeans and her black tee shirt. When she bends to grab her stuff off the ground, another pair of hands aid her. "I'm sorry they keep doing that to you..." a small voice whispers. Haruka knows the voice belongs to a classmate, Serena. She doesn't need to get involved. Haruka quickly gathers the rest of her things and just as quickly heads towards her classroom. She glances back just long enough to see it was Serena, still crouched on the floor, dress billowing about her, watching Haruka run.

After class, everyone bolts from the room, ready for the weekend. Haruka is still in the classroom, packing up her stuff into her backpack, when she hears a loud thump and sees out of the corner of her eye, the ruby red hair of a demon. Oh, man. "Oh, look girls. A puny insect!" She says, her words echoing throughout the empty room.She slowly makes her way down the isle to Haruka's desk. "So, are you ready to appologise, Bug?" Haruka doesn't look at them. Ignore, ignore, ignore... Marissa pushes all her stuff off the desk. "Hey! I'm talkin' to you!" She screams. Haruka moves to the other side of the dest to retrieve her things. Marissa kicks her in the side, knocking Haruka over. Not again! Haruka thinks to herself. But she just sits there, looking at the floor. "Hey!" Marissa screams again and raises her fist.

"STOP!!" what once was a small voice is now loud and commanding. Serena is standing between Marissa's fist and Haruka  "Don't you have anything better to do?" she demands. Haruka looks up at the exchange, eyes wide. Whats going on? Nobody stands up to Marissa!

"Move, Serena." Marissa demands in her usual way.

Serena doesn't move. "No."

Marissa lowers her fist. "You would defend this... this FREAK BUG?" she says, suprised.

Slowly Serena bends down. she is right in front of Haruka  almost on her lap. "Of corse I would." She says sweetly and smiles at Haruka.

Slowly, the footsteps of Marissa and her friends fade into the distance. Haruka hasn't moved and neither has Serena. "You okay?" She asks. What do I say? Haruka thinks and leans back a bit. Serena leans in closer. "Don't worry. They wont mess with you now." She giggles and smiles widely. She's... so cute... Haruka feels her face turning red and looks away from Serena's smile. Serena tilts her head to see Haruka's face. "what's wrong? Are you sick?" she asks, concerned.

"I... I'm fine." Haruka mumbles.

Serena jolts up straight. "So you can talk!" She giggles. "I almost thought you couldn't!" Serena then stands and extends her hand to Haruka. "I don't think we were ever properly introduced. I'm Serena Tomoe. Your Haruka Osano, right? Its nice to finally meet you!"

 Haruka doesnt move, and just watches Serena.

"Well, come on!" she chirps.

"Where?" Haruka says quietly, and reachess for her hand, slowly.

Serena's smile widens. "My place, silly!" 

Hidingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें