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It was weird being in Serena's house. Nobody has ever invited Haruka over before. Serena slowly led her throughout the house, showing her every room, but all Haruka could seem to think is She's being nice to me... and She's holding my hand... It was an interresting thing.

Serena must have realized that Haruka wasnt paying attention, because Haruka heard her say somethig about a 'sex room'. Haruka quickly looked up at her, suprised. Serena started laughing. "I knew that would get your attention!" she said lightly. "Well, this is my bedroom. Make yourself at home!" She said and jogged over to the far wall and plopped down on the couch.

A couch. In her bedroom. And a stand-alone flat screen right in front of it, a large king sized bed against the same wall as the door, a long desk on the wall to Haruka's right, covered in computer and electronic stuff on one end and a sewing machine and lots of fabrics and patterns on the other. And hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier. How would ANYONE be able to pay for this room?! Haruka just stood in the doorway, taking everything in.

Serena giggled from her spot on the couch. "Come over here. I want to show you something." She said and patted the spot next to her. Haruka didnt say anything but swallowed, and moved over to the couch and took a seat a little further away than where Serena gestured to. "Do you remember this?" Serena asked Haruka, showing her a picture of Serena from a long time ago. Haruka's eyes grew wide as she took the picture. Serena had changed so much, from a slightly chunky girl with dirty blond hair and scarred legs, to the girl on the couch. Tall and beautiful, with long, pale blond hair and a deep tan. Haruka glanced at the child standing next to the smiling young Serena. The child was crying, and using both hands to hold down the skirt that it wore. The childs dark brown hair hung in chunks around its shoulders and it's deep brown eyes were downcast. Serena giggled from next to Haruka. "I'll take that as a no!" she said and grabbed the picture. "I remember being friends with this kid who I would always dress up as a girl. I always called him Hara. He was my best friend because, no matter how many times I dressed him up, he always came back  over to my house to play the next day." She said, looking at the picture admiringly.

Haruka leaned back a bit onto the arm of the couch. There is no way.. She thought, and Serena looked over at her. "It has been a long time since we've been together, hasn't it, Hara?"

Haruka slid back on the couch, putting some distance between this beautiful girl and herself. "Uhh..." was all she could say.

Serena turned to her once again with a large smile. "What's wrong, Hara? Did I scare you? You don't have to be afraid. I always knew it was you." She murmered the last sentence, turning back to the picture. "You havent changed a bit." She whispered to herself.

Haruka stood up. Serena looked at her, her smile melting away. "I-... I'm sorry." Haruka stammers, and takes a step towards the door. "Im not-... I'm not sure that you mean me. That might be some other b- boy." Haruka stammers again. Serena, her childhood friend Siri, thinks that she is a boy. How am I suposed to deal with that?! Might as well play it off as a mistake.

"It's not a mistake!" Serena almost yells and stands, dropping the picture onto the couch. "I know who my best friend from 9 years ago is!" She takes a few steps closer to Haruka and grabs the front of her shirt gently. "I know who my first love is." She whispers, and Haruka feels her face burn. Serena looks up at her, and Haruka notices how much shorter than her Serena is. Serena looks at the ground again, and her grip tightens on Haruka's shirt. "Hara, why did you leave back then?" Serena whispers, and Haruka hesitates.

-Memory~ Haruka-

Haruka and Serena used to be neigbors when they were 8. Haruka would go over to Serena's house every day. And every day, Serena would make her change from her usual jeans and t-shirt into a fancy dress or a skirt. And every day, Serena's mother would take a picture of them. It was always that way. They were always at Serena's house instead of Haruka's. Because she lived in an orphanage. One day, however, Haruka brought Serena over. They walked through the door hand in hand, when an older boy stops them "Haruka, who is this? Your girlfriend?" He would tease her, and Haruka would shy back,  until Serena stood up. "Of corse I am!" She said to the boy, and her grip tightened. "Hara- Haruka- is going to be my groom when we get older!" The other kids would laugh, thinking it was a joke, and the adults would smile, like it was too cute, but, at the time, both Haruka and Serena were serious. "Hara, let's run away together!" Serena had said one night, after Haruka snuck out to see her. "Then we could get married and no one would laugh at us anymore!" Haruka felt warm in her face, but smiled and nodded. "Okay, Siri."

They never did. They never had the chance. Because, the next day, Haruka got adopted. It was a rich family with a spoiled son who wanted someone to play with. Same age as Haruka, but way less mature, even for an 8 year old. Haruka was happy none-the-less. Her only regret was she couldn't see Serena anymore. She watched her sillhouette shrink through the back window of her new family's car.

-Present~ Haruka-

Haruka put her hands on Serena's shoulders. "I'm sorry. You have me confused with someone else." she says slowly. She hated lying to Serena, but she didn't want her hurting because of their past. "But I'm sure you will find him someday."

Haruka drops her hands and begis moving towards the door, but something stops her. Serena still has her hand curled into Haruka's shirt. "Call me Siri." She whispers, her bright hair covering her eyes. Haruka doesn't move, doesn't say a word. Serena's head shoots up, revealing her teary, aqua blue eyes. "Please, Hara."

I-... I can't do it! Haruka thinks, realizing that she can't lie to Serena anymore. Haruka reaches out, taking the small, beautiful girl in her arms. "I'm so sorry, Siri. I'm so, so sorry." She murmers, and Serena bursts into tears on Haruka's shoulder.

"I'm just glad you're back, Hara!" She wails, and they stand like that. Together again.

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