Chapter 13

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Mingi and Yunho followed Changbin through the maze that was the cells of District 9 towards cells A-2 and A-5 – Soobin and HueningKai respectively – in order to free them. The first one they got to was HueningKai's cell – A-5 as it was closest to Changbin's. They walked as quickly, yet stealthily as possible in order not to get caught or set off any form of alarm or siren.

Once they all arrived at HueningKai's cell, Yunho immediately got out his phone, not needing any form of prompting from either Mingi or Changbin. Once he had the information, he looked at Mingi, who was standing at the lock, ready to enter the combination.
"827 135." Yunho read out, Mingi entering in the code as the older boy did so. The click of the lock and green light showing meant they were successful.
"Lookout?" Mingi said to Yunho, the older boy knowing exactly what he meant. Yunho nodded and Mingi opened the door, slipping inside with Changbin following him.

HueningKai was stretching his wings when he heard the door unlock. His entire body tensed at the sound. He knew that sound intimately and it always meant pain and suffering. He got into a defensive stance, ready to defend himself against whomever was about to enter. A few moments later, to his extreme shock, the door opened and two figures silently slid into the room as quietly as possible. One was a tall boy whom he didn't recognise, but the other was someone he knew quite well.
"Changbin?" He asked, surprise evident in his voice. He didn't know who the other boy was but it was obvious that Changbin trusted him and that fact alone was enough for HueningKai to trust him as well.
"HueningKai, this is Mingi. He's one of the people I was telling you about. He, along with a number of other people, is here to rescue us." Changbin stated, his voice quiet but loud enough that HueningKai could hear him. HueningKai knew by both the absence of the electric collar on Changbin's neck and the fact the Changbin seemed to trust both of these people.
"Ok. Changbin-hyung."
"Firstly, is there anything restraining you?" Mingi asked seriously. HueningKai shook his head.
"No." HueningKai replied. "They only put the collar on me when I am leaving the room." He added. "I'm not entirely sure why, but that doesn't really matter." Mingi nodded at his statement and the three of them left the room. Yunho, who was standing outside the door, closed it quietly behind them so as not to attract attention.
"Yunho." Changbin whispered to HueningKai, pointing to said person. Yunho bowed in greeting and sent HueningKai a smile. HueningKai returned his greeting before the four of them headed off to the next person.

Mingi, Yunho, Changbin, and HueningKai made their way to their final destination as stealthily as possible so as not to raise suspicion. Raising any form of suspicion would most likely sound the alarm and that would blow the whole operation. It would be catastrophic not only for them but for the others as well.

Soobin was in his cell, well 'room' they called it, but it felt more like a prison cell than anything else. Filled with nightmares and pain, he knew he would never feel comfortable here.

He had been practicing his powers when he heard the door unlock and he began to panic. That sound was never good. It always signified pain. He practically flew back to his bed, bracing himself for what was to come. What he wasn't expecting, however, was to have Changbin, HueningKai and a boy he didn't know rush into his room, leaving the door somewhat open.
"What are you doing here?" He hissed at them, glancing at the door behind them. Surprisingly, HueningKai was the one to speak up.
"They're rescuing us." He replied simply. "We're getting out of here hyung." He added, his eyes sparkling and his expression radiating joy, something that Soobin had not seen or felt in a very long time. Longer than he could remember. Seeing that look on HueningKai's face was enough for him to believe his words.
"Is there anything restraining you or anything that would trip an alarm if you went out of the room?" The unknown boy asked. Soobin shook his head at the question.
"No, nothing." He replied, getting up and walking over to them.
"Alright, let's get out of here and back to the bus." Changbin said, a hint of finality in his tone. Everyone nodded and they all made their way silently out of the room and back through the labyrinth that was District 9.

Once they were outside, HueningKai and Soobin stopped for a moment, closing their eyes to take a breath of fresh air, something that hadn't done in a very long time. Once they opened their eyes again, they followed the others towards the bus that was waiting to take them to freedom for the first time in years.

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