Chapter 5

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Woojin's office door slammed open, startling his assistant and gaining her full attention.  He had just learned that six of his former members from Stray Kids had been taken by District 9, a science division that he only now discovered was connected to the company he had recently inherited from his father.  He had heard about District 9 but had never imagined that it was owned by or even connected to his company. 

Whilst he was reorganising some of the things in his office, he had discovered a USB drive in the bottom corner of one of the drawers which he thought might be important so he decided to have a look at what it contained.  He plugged it into his computer to see what it contained.  Confusion adorned his face as he saw the folder 'District 9' appear on the screen.  As soon as he opened the folder, that confusion morphed to sparks of anger the moment he deciphered what it was.  It was up-to-date information, which was being continuously updated (how, he didn't know), on research on his friends and their powers along with a few other 'subjects' whose names he didn't recognise as well.

"Why did I not know about this?"  Woojin demanded, fiery anger in his eyes but his face. looked as cold as ice.
"What do you mean Sir?"  His assistant asked, extremely nervous of the look on his face.
"District 9."  He said simply, holding up a USB drive.  All the colour from his assistant's face drained and she looked white as a sheet.  By the look on her face, Woojin knew that she knew exactly what it was.
"Y-your father thought it best if you didn't know."  She replied, hesitantly.  His eyes narrowed.
"Well he's not the CEO anymore.  I am.  I should know these things.  I am aware that I have a lot to learn, but how can I when people hide things from me.  So, I will ask again.  Why did I not know about District 9?"  He said, repeating the question.
"My answer remains the same.  Although I apologise for keeping this from you."  She replied meekly, bowing her head and looking down.
"I want to see them."  Woojin said to his assistant, more of a demand than anything else.  She looked up at him suddenly almost as if she couldn't believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.
"Sir, I really would strongly advise against it."  His assistant advised him hesitantly.  He looked at her and raised a single eyebrow.
"Why would that be?"  He asked, his tone bordering on sarcasm as he crossed his arms.
"A few of them are still recovering."  His assistant responded honestly although by the look on her face, she knew that she had just opened up a whole new can of worms. 
"Recovering from what exactly?"  Woojin asked, his voice low, a silent warning indicating that she should choose her next words very carefully.
"Their treatment."  She said timidly.
"Treatment?"  He asked, his voice challenging.
"For a few weeks now, the program known as District 9 has been testing their abilities in order to discover how powerful they are, what they can do, and whether their powers can be replicated or not."  His assistant revealed.
"You mean to tell me that the doctors and nurses have been experimenting on them in order to see if they can replicate their powers, not caring whether they survive or not?" Woojin asked, more of a statement than a question, attempting to contain his ever-growing anger.  The assistant stayed silent, giving Woojin all the confirmation he needed.  "Lee Chanya, I demand to see them at once.  If you prevent me from doing so, you will not like the consequences."  He said.  Chanya lowered her head and bowed, getting up to lead him towards the District 9 compound.

Once Woojin got to the floor where Stray Kids were being held, Chanya told one of the nurses what Woojin had requested.  The nurse looked nervous, but she couldn't refuse, all she could do was nod.  With that, Chanya went back to her office and the nurse began to lead Woojin towards the boys in question. 

The first one Woojin visited was Changbin.  As soon as he opened the door, he saw him.  Changbin was sitting on the bed provided for him reading a book with what looked like an electronic collar securely fastened around his neck.  At the sound of the door opening, Changbin looked up from his book and in the direction of the door.  The moment he saw Woojin, however, his face darkened.
"You."  He said venomously.  Clearly Changbin had obviously not forgiven him in the slightest for what he did.  Nor did Woojin expect him to.
"Changbin, let me explain."  Woojin began, but Changbin cut him off.
"Don't.  I don't need to hear any excuses or explanations.  You left us without looking back.  You betrayed us.  Not just that, but your behaviour while you were with us was inexcusable.  Was it your idea that we end up in this situation?  Was it you who ordered all the experiments, the pain, the misery being inflicted upon us?"  He asked, throwing accusations at him.
"I had no idea they were doing all this to you until a few hours ago.  I didn't even know they had taken you!"  Woojin replied honestly.  While he wouldn't refute Changbin's initial accusations because he knew that it was true.
"Oh really?  Then how did they know what our powers were?  How did they have the time or resources to put together special rooms for each of us?  How did they know where to find us?"  Changbin demanded, firing questions at his former group member.
"I don't know!"  Woojin fired black.  Getting mildly annoyed at Changbin.
"You are the CEO Woojin!  You're supposed to know."  Changbin exclaimed.
"I don't know every little detail that goes on yet.  I am still learning about everything."  Woojin responded.  Changbin's expression of noticeable irritation didn't waver.
"Well then, why don't you ask any of the lovely nurses or doctors in this disgusting place what has been going on in Lee Know's room?  Or in Han's room?  Or any room.  What was the cause for all the screams of agony coming from each room?  We'd all love to know."  Changbin fired back at him, his voice laced with obvious malice.  "In fact, ask the doctors to give you each of our files, find out what they have been doing to us if you really don't know."  Changbin sneered.  Woojin froze at Changbin's half-questions, half-accusations.  "I can tell you that it's worse than anything you did to us."  His last comment caught Woojin's attention.  He immediately turned to the nurse slightly behind him. 
"What exactly were you doing to Lee Minho?"  He demanded with more venom and malice than Changbin had ever heard from him.
"Sir, you have to understand-" She began, her voice wavering slightly, but Woojin cut her off.
"Do NOT make me repeat the question."  He said, his tone authoritative but also deathly calm.  The nurse recoiled slightly.
"D-Due to his duel powers over the mind, w-we were attempting to figure out what caused them and if and how they could be replicated."  The nurse replied meekly.
"Have you been doing the same to the others?"  Woojin demanded.  She hesitated briefly.  "ANSWER ME!"  He commanded.
"Y-Yes."  She replied, her voice barely above a whisper.  Woojin was furious, no, he was beyond furious.  When he initially found out Stray Kids had been captured from Chanya, he had been angry, but finding out they were kept in special rooms according to their weaknesses, experimented on, and tortured, he was absolutely fuming.
"Leave us."  He ordered the nurse.  She bowed immediately.
"Press this button when you want to leave."  She said, handing him a device.  "I will wait outside.  Woojin nodded silently and she left the room, closing the door behind her.
"What can I do to help get out all out of here?"  Woojin asked two seconds after the door closed, his voice low as he walked over to Changbin and sat down on his bed.
"You really want to help?  Call ATEEZ or Chan hyung.  You should know their numbers.  They know where we are and will most likely be looking for a way to get us all out.  Also, make sure that when we get out, Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, and Huening Kai leave with us."  Changbin told him, his face and voice still showing contempt towards the older male.
"Who are they?"  Woojin asked curiously.  Changbin had an unreadable look on his face but Woojin could tell in his eyes that Changbin still held resentment towards him.
"Some friends that have made this horrible place slightly more bearable.  They have been here a lot longer than all of us, so make sure that when we get out, they go with us."  Changbin replied after a short pause. 

*Elsewhere in the compound*

Taehyun was sitting on his bed, reading a book that he had requested.  In between "sessions", they were all given things to keep themselves occupied with.  For Taehyun, when he wasn't socialising or perfecting his powers, or exercising in some way, he was sitting on his bed reading.  Over the years he had accumulated a bookcase full of books, all of which he had read and reread countless times, but never did they seem to become boring.  He truly felt sorry for the new boys.  They were all really nice and none of them deserved to be here.  No one did.

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