Saved (Vaxel)

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Summary: Set in 3x5 "Pretty Noose." What if Vanessa was the one to get poisoned from that weapon, instead of Scarlett? What if Scarlett didn't exist, so Vanessa was on her own to fight off those vampires? When Axel finds her, will she be okay?

It was a foggy day, as Vanessa fought against the kind of vampires that she'd met in China in the past. Vampires with armor and swords, as well as other kinds of weapons. The vampires could also fight pretty well. However, Vanessa was a great fighter, as well. She took out about five of them by herself with both shooting, fighting, and using their own swords to kill them. When she was down to two of them, she grabbed the sheath of its sword, eyes red.

"My turn," she told the vampire, before taking the sword and killing it. Then, when she was down to the very last one, it was difficult for her, but she finally, at least, scared it off. She then pulled out a small knife that the last one had stabbed her with.

A moment later, she leaned against a brick wall of a building, starting to feel weak, and knew she had to get back to Axel. So, despite what she was feeling, she did her best to get back, but after a few minutes, when she was in an empty road, everything went blurry for her. Then she felt the ground. She was too weak to go anywhere right now, though.

Axel was walking around, searching for supplies, when he suddenly saw someone very familiar.


He rushed to her side, kneeling by her. 

"What happened?" he asked her, since she was still awake.

"I've been poisoned. If you don't find the vampire that did this and feed me its blood, I'm dead," she explained to him.

"I promise, I will, but first, let's get you somewhere safe," he replied, before gently picking her up, heading to somewhere close by that he could keep her while he went to go find the responsible vampire. He hadn't watched over her for three years and been at her side for another three to four years, only for her to die.

Once he found an abandoned military vehicle he could use, he gently set her in the passenger's seat and got a cool, wet washcloth on her forehead.

"I'll be right back. Just stay with me. You're not dying on my watch," he said, before closing the door and making sure that the vehicle was secure enough. After all, he wasn't sure how long he was going to be gone. He couldn't have anything else happening to her while he was away to try and save her.

A moment after she heard him talk to her, telling her to pretty much not die, everything went black for her.

A few hours or so later, he returned to the vehicle after having killed the vampire, the blood of the vampire in a canteen. He then opened the door and got into the driver's side, closing it behind himself. Then he reached over to Vanessa, taking the washcloth off of her forehead. He then positioned her head gently back, before putting the canteen to her lips, making the vampire's blood go down her throat, hoping he wasn't too late, not knowing how long the poison had been affecting her before he'd found her.

"Come on, Vanessa," he said, once all of the blood was poured.

A few minutes later, after waiting, he saw her finally wake up, which relieved him, knowing that she'd be okay.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he greeted.

"Thanks," she replied.

They gave a smile at each other. Then, a few moments later, it was such a moment, they began to make out.

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