1. The First Time You Meet

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Calum- "(Y/N), you wanna take table five and I'll get table twelve?" Jaime asked. You were at work as a waitress at a local restaurant. Currently, all hands were on deck for the morning rush, including you.
Nodding, you looked up from discreetly counting your tips. "Yeah, sure," you replied, slipping the money into your pocket and grabbing your notepad. You pushed through the door separating the kitchen from the dining area, making your way over to table five through the cluster of other tables and people.
You were expecting the older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, who usually sat at table five in the mornings. However, you found a group of four boys, who all seemed about your age, give or take a few years. They sat there, making jokes and laughing as if they were brothers, though they obviously weren't.
One of them noticed you approaching and pointed. The others quieted down, looking over as you stopped before them. "Hi," you said, falsely cheery. "Welcome to Charlie's. May I take your orders?"
"I'll take an order of you," muttered the one with blue hair. You figured it wasn't meant to be heard, so you kept the fake smile on your face.
The one with long, wavy hair and a bandana glanced down at his menu again, then asked, "Could I have an order of French toast with extra bacon please?"
"Alright," you nodded and wrote it down. "Would you like anything to drink?" you asked him.
"I'll have some water." He smiled and handed you his menu.
"And you?" you asked the next one. He had gelled up hair, blue eyes, and a lip ring.
"Um..." he muttered, looking at his menu still. "Can I haavvveee....." he drew the word out, making you smile, this time for real. "I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes please. And can I have a cup of coffee too?" He looked up and handed you his menu, the side of his mouth raising slightly in a smile.
"Sure. How about you, blue hair?" You said it jokingly, but he looked a bit surprised.
"Can I have some scrambled eggs, with sausage and bacon? With an orange juice?" he said as he handed you his menu as well.
"Yup," you took it and wrote down his request. "And what would you like?" you asked the fourth one, still writing down Blue Hair's order. There was silence.
"Cal." The boy with gelled up hair called the one with dark hair and a snapback, making you look up. He looked away from you quickly, as if he'd already been staring at you.
"Oh, um... sorry. Can I have a breakfast sandwich with a side of fruit? Oh and I'll have a cup of water as well." He kept his eyes down, and you noticed he was blushing slightly. He was, in your opinion, the cutest of the four.
Smiling, you jotted his order down. "Is that all boys?" you asked as you finished up, looking them all.
"Yup. That's it." The wavy haired one looked from Cal to me, nodding.
"Alright. I'll go get your food then." You went to leave, when you heard one of them call for you.
"I-I forgot to give you this back." Cal handed you his menu, smiling. He had adorable dimples and you blushed.
"Thanks." You turned away. As you left them, you heard the boys tease Cal about something, probably you.
Going back to where Jamie stood at the door, you noticed her staring at you. "What?" you asked her.
"Y/n, don't you know who that was?" she asked incredulously.
"No." You had no idea what she was talking about.
"Those boys you just served? That was 5SOS.' She pointed.
"5 what?"
"5 Seconds of Summer?! Don't tell me you've never heard of them....." She opened the door to the kitchen. "They're one of the most popular bands right now! And you just served them! Gosh, now I wish I'd taken table five..."
You walked in, handing the order to the head chef. "Well, you told me to go there, so I did. Your loss," you joked. However, you were secretly glad about it.
Later, after the boys had finished eating, you went to get the check. Picking it up, you felt a note on the bottom. You waited until you got to the cash register before peeling off the sticky note. It was a Cal's number. But it said his name was Calum. You just guessed that was his nickname.
Slipping the note into your pocket, as well as your tip, you walked back to give them the change. When you saw Calum, you smiled, and he did as well, blushing.
You decided you'd call him later. Or maybe tomorrow. But Jamie could never know.

Ashton- You stood there on the windowsill of your apartment, ready to jump. The eleven story fall would take only a few moments, and you had no idea what pain the concrete would bring. But anything was better than this.
By now a few people had stopped below you, looking up and pointing. You saw someone dial a phone number, probably 9-1-1, but it was too late. More people gathered, blocking your route to the pavement, but no matter. You'd just jump out further. You had no plan for what would happen if this didn't work, so you had to make it.
This was all happening because of your old boyfriend of five years. He claimed the other day that he had never loved you, even after all you'd been through. Then, to add to your pain, he'd talked about your private secrets online to all of his friends. You were so sick of him and everything else. So you decided to end your suffering.
The door burst open suddenly, and you heard footsteps crashing towards you. Too late though. You took a step off into freed-
A pair of strong arms yanked you back inside, tumbling with you to the floor. It was then that you realized your face was drenched in tears. They dripped onto the floor as you lie there, momentarily in shock. I
A person, most likely a boy by his arms, huffed behind you, breathing as if he'd just completed a marathon. His arms were tight around your stomach, as if to stop you from running away. You felt anger flare inside you. He'd saved you.
"Let go of me!" you yelled, trying to get free.
He held you there easily. "Oh not you don't. I'm not letting you do that to yourself."
"I don't even know you!" You tried harder to get away. His arms stayed there like a prison. "I'm not worth it. Just let me go." You gave up, the tears coming down harder. "Please. Just let me go."
"What's this about not being worth it?" the boy said and sat up, pulling you with him. "Why would a beautiful girl like you say such a thing?"
"I'm not beautiful. I'm just a nobody who doesn't deserve do be here," you sobbed, wiping at your eyes.
You heard more footsteps approaching at a run. You thrashed about, trying to free yourself. It was probably the cops or some stupid paramedics. They would not take you, that you were sure of. But the boy simply tensed his grip, hugging you tighter to himself.
"We're in here, mates!" he called out. The footsteps stopped outside your door, and you heard several people gasping for air.
"What happened?!" Another boy's voice approached behind you two. "Why did you run in here like that? Why are you sitting with that girl? Who is she?" the boy asked insistently.
"Woah, woah, woah, Luke. Slow down. You might scare her." You felt the boy who saved you turn to look back at Luke.
"Can you please let go of me now?" you whimpered.
"Mikey, go stand by the window. Calum, go block the bedroom door. There's a window in there too." He pointed to the window and the door, his other arm tightening around me.
A boy with blue hair went in front of the window, and another with dark black hair and muscly arms stood by the door. This guy was good.
You felt the boy's arms loosen finally, and you bolted up off of the ground, moving toward the wall and away from the boys. There were only four, all very attractive. For the first time you saw who saved you.
He was the cutest of all of them, with long, wavy brown hair, green eyes, muscular arms, and a sweet smile. Why would someone like him save someone like you?
"It's alright. We won't call the police. I promise." The boy stepped toward you slightly as the others watched you carefully. "My name is Ashton, and these are my friends. That's Luke," he pointed to the one in a red flannel with a lip piercing. "That's Michael, and that's Calum. What's your name?" he asked softly, taking a few more steps toward you.
"M-my name is (y/n)..." you hesitated.
"Well, y/n, you're alright now, ok? I promise." Ashton smiled and stopped before you.
All you could do was nod. He seemed to care for you. But why?
"Do you need anything?" He asked placing a hand lightly on your shoulder. You shook your head and wiped the tears off your face again. "Alright. Well, should we go? Are you going to be alright?" he asked, worry tinging his voice.
"Yeah," you said. "I'm fine." It was a lie, but you weren't going to try to kill yourself again.
"Good. Now, no more jumping out of windows, alright y/n?" he smiled, and you just nodded. "I hope I'll see you around sometime." He pulled you into a light embrace, and this time you hugged him back. You just came up to his shoulder, which you buried your face in.
"Thank you." The words came out in a whisper, but he hugged a little bit tighter to acknowledge he heard you.
"Ash, we gotta go." The one with the black hair, Calum, moved towards where you and Ashton stood.
"Ok mate," he responded. Letting you go, you watched him go over to his band mates and he smiled to you before they left.
Once they were gone, you noticed a slip of paper on the table. You walked over and picked it up. It had a phone number on it, and it said to call it if you needed someone to talk to. You smiled, guessing that it was Ashton's number. You walked over to the fridge and put it up with a magnet, then went to sit on the couch, closed your eyes, and fell asleep.

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