7. Thunderstorms

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Calum- The sky had been dark and dreary all day. You'd been hoping it didn't rain too badly, as you weren't particularly fond of huge storms.

As if in spite of you, around 10 pm, the heavens opened and rain race to the ground. Wind tore at trees and cars, whipping leaves through the air.

Yesterday, you an Cal had gotten back very late at night from a week-long trip to the U.S. and we're suffering from jet lag, so you'd both gone to bed fairly early.

When you heard the first clap of thunder, your eyes snapped open. You truly, positively hated storms like this. You always got worried that something terrible would happen, such as a tornado or hurricane or something like that.

Of course, Calum didn't know that. And you weren't sure if you should tell him or not. Would he think it was a stupid fear? Or would he take it seriously?

There was another flash of lightning followed by the boom of thunder. You threw off your covers and crept out of your room, then you snuck over to Calum's door. It was cracked open, so you silently pushed on it, stepped inside, then closed it again like it was before.

His room was warm and pitch black. It smelled like him, making your heart flutter inside your chest. Hopefully he wouldn't mind you coming in.

Realizing that you didn't know what side of the bed he was on, or if he was in the middle of it, you opened the door back up and turned on the hall light. You saw he was on the far side of the bed facing the wall. You turned off the light and went back in.

Making your way blindly to his bed, you finally found it and crawled under the covers. His body heat warmed you up instantly, his sheets soft against your skin.

You positioned yourself against his back, which was shirtless. Your arm was slung over his side, your hand pressed against his abdomen, and your legs sprawled next to his.

You stayed like this for a few minutes, instantly feeling safer next to him. Soon you felt his breathing pick up from the steady slow pace while he had been asleep.

"Y-y/n?" His voice was groggy as he looked back at you.

"Hi," you whispered. "Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?"

"No, no. Not at all. But why?" he asked and turned to face you. "Your trembling," he pointed out quietly.

"It's just that...I um...I-I'm kinda scared...of storms." You mumbled the words into his chest as you tried to hide your face.

He chuckled lightly and stroked your hair, resting his chin on your head. "Do you think I'll laugh at you? That's so cute!" he ran his thumb slowly back and forth over your bare shoulder.

"I'm serious Calum," you looked up at him. Just as you were about to continue, another flash of lightning lit up the room. The thunder that followed was so powerful that you could feel it in your bones. You jumped and hid under the covers.

Calum laughed softly as he leaned over to the bedside table to get something. He slipped under the blanket with you, and placed his phone face-down on the bed with the flashlight on. You saw that he had a smile on his face, then you blushed.

"Are you ok?" He held up the covers so he could see you.

"Yeah," you whispered, obviously not.

"Come here," he shook his head and turned off his flashlight before coming out from under the sheets. He laid down on his back and placed the phone back on the table, before pulling you beside him.

You laid your head on his chest, his skin warm and heartbeat pounding in your head. He kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you.

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