3. He Asks You Out

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Calum- You'd been hanging out for a few months now, and you'd gotten to know each other very well. You knew what the other liked and disliked, you knew favorite foods, favorite colors, favorite bands and songs. You'd become best friends and you were happy when you talked to Calum.

So when he asked you to go to the lake with him, you agreed, thinking it would just be another day to hang out.

He picked you up around eleven in the morning, driving out to a secluded little lake hidden in a wooded area. It was peaceful on the water, the glassy surface only broken by the ripple of an occasional fish or leaf falling. The bridge that spanned the length of the water was empty, as was the rest of the area. The two of you were blissfully alone.

You'd packed a picnic, which you ate under the generous shade of an ancient-looking willow. You laughed together and at each other, eating the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you'd brought.

You both finished the food, which he'd thanked you for multiple times. He was always such a gentleman.

"Wanna go walk on the bridge?" he asked, brushing crumbs of of his shirt and looking up at you from where he lay on the blanket.

"Sure. It looks so peaceful, it's gorgeous." You pulled your knees to your chest an lay your chin on top of them, looking out over the water.

"Hey, but before we go, I have something for you," he grinned and stood up, getting something from his car. It was a perfectly wrapped box with a bow and card on top. You laughed.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot it was my birthday today! Did Mali wrap that for you?" you grinned as he sat down next to you.

"You don't think I wrapped this?" he said and feigned being hurt. "I can't believe you'd say something like that!"

"And I can't believe you'd even try to deny it!" you giggled.

"You're right. I didn't wrap it," he looked down, pretending to be ashamed. He handed you the present, smiling as you took it. "Happy birthday y/n."

You carefully removed the card and opened it. The inside read, "To y/n, the best friend I could ever ask for." You turned to Calum, smiling softly. "Aww, Cal! That's so sweet!"

"Well, you gonna open the present or do I have to?" he pointed to the box.

You undid the bow and tore off the paper. It was a Dr. Martin shoe box, though you guessed by the weight of the box that it wasn't shoes. You carefully opened it and inside was a camera. It looked ancient, but you instantly knew what it was.

A Polaroid.

The two of you had been going through his basement and had found it, but then it hasn't worked. Now it was all cleaned up and there was a stack of films next to it.

You looked up at him, not believing your eyes. You adored cameras and loved photography. He knew that an saw how upset you were about the camera when you'd first found it.

"Do you like it?" he said softly, a half-grin sneaking its way onto his lips.

"Do I like it? Calum, I love it! I-I don't even know what to say to you!" Your voice sounded like a child who'd just gotten their dream toy. That's pretty much what you were.

"I'm glad. I had to go find somewhere that fixed them, then I had to find film. You're hard to but gifts for!" he said playfully.

You just looked at the camera, running your fingers over it lightly. "Well go on, take a picture." Calum whispered in your ear, making you jump.

You picked up the camera and looked at it carefully. It was somewhat heavy in your hands, but it felt perfect. You turned it toward yourself and Cal as you sat close together.

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