*Chapter Twenty Four*

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Edited 3/15/2021

My eyes open to the blank ceiling of the academy. My first response is to groan at the pain that I can still feel. I gently raise an arm to my neck and brush against the raised skin there. "Asha, let me help you," A voice states from beside me. The feeling of the hospital-like bed returns to my hand as I drop it with a soft thud. I can feel hands sneak under my back as they lift me to sit me up. The second they come into contact with me the feeling of regret rings through my feelings. My back lands against the cushioning of pillows as I glance to see who my helper is.

"Klaus," I croak out, my voice scratchy from not being used and not having any water. Tears spring to the corners of my eyes as I throw my arms around his neck. Burying my face into his neck I start to cry. Klaus slowly begins to run his fingers through my knotted hair and shush me.

"Do you want some water?" He asks, starting to pull away from me. I shake my head vigorously not wanting to be away from him for a second. He stops trying to move away from me and his arms return to hug me. "Okay, okay. Calm down, I'm not leaving." The tears continue to stream as flashbacks of the time we spent in that hotel room return. "I'm sorry Asha, I'm so sorry." That simple statement is enough for me to snap out of my stupor and I start to lean back to rub the tears off my face. Klaus takes this moment to turn and grab a cup of water off the stand next to the bed. I wrap two hands around the small glass and bring it to my lips, sipping slowly while looking at him.

He holds eye contact for a second before looking at the ground quickly. "Why?" I ask in between sips. I reach one hand out to grab his hand and hold it. His feelings rush into mine. I try to push them away and am able to make them a dull sensation than the overwhelming feeling they normally are.

He squeezes my hand before starting to speak. "I left you there. You were there because of me and I just left you there. You got caught because you were looking for me. Everything is my fault. Ben won't let me forget it either." He mumbles, barely audible. I put the cup back on the nightstand and grab Klaus' face in between my hands squishing his cheeks together.

His eyebrows raise in a questioning manner and a smile breaks across my face. "It's not your fault. I got caught because I wasn't paying attention. That is my own fault. I chose to follow them to get to you, yes, but that was my choice. Since when would I back down from helping out a sibling? You left me there because I could not join you. I-" In remembrance of the reason why I couldn't follow him out my head snaps to look at my leg. I notice the thin sheet laying on top of my legs and I pull it to the side to see I was dressed in shorts and the wound was wrapped.

"I talked to Grace and Pogo before you woke up. They were surprised you were alive, you were so low on blood. They say that you may never be able to walk normal on that leg again. You are lucky they missed the artery." Klaus grabs my hand again. "You could have died Asha. Who would be here to pull us altogether if you did?" He asks, pulling our intertwined hands to lean against his forehead.

I scoff, "You guys would be able to do a lot without me. Don't even worry about it. I'm here, aren't I? I am going to be fine. I can still feel the pain, but I will be able to get through it. We've dealt with a lot with our father already; it's like another drop in the bucket." Once stated, I avoid his eyes. Not willing to let him know that my bucket was only a few drops from overflowing and ruining my mentality for the rest of my life. "I'm just glad you're okay. I heard them go after you. I rushed to- oh my gosh, Patch! Is Diego okay? Does he know?" I question my eyes snapping back to find Klaus looking beside me. I follow his line of sight to see nothing there. I close my eyes as I concentrate on using Klaus' power. When I open them I see Ben sitting on the edge of the bed.

Once he notices me locking eyes with him he smiles a small smile. "You almost joined me, Asha. Not that I wouldn't enjoy that but- you are not meant to leave them yet." A small smile graces my features as another stray tear is released. "You have been out for a long time. Diego found you and Patch together. I started to follow you after Klaus left to watch over you. Diego is being Diego. He's going to do whatever it is in order to avenge Patch and help to relieve his guilt. He brought you back to his gym where he met up with Luther and Five. Luther began to freak out and ran you back to The Academy where Pogo and Grace started to work on you. You were in such bad shape Ash-" He pauses as he looks at his hands. "Diego and Luther were freaking out. They couldn't be in the room with you because they were so worried."

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