Chapter Three

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In the still darker then fuck early hours of the following morning, I was awakened by the sound of pure rage coming from the Manor's kitchen. After deciding it best to move the kids to actual beds and send the adults to their own homes or beds, we had all gone to bed in peace, until crashes and loud screaming filled the air. I could already tell it was one of mine even before they snarled out a visually disturbing threat and began to swear in a rainbow of languages. Sighing, I crawled out of my bed and moved towards the door, gun in hand. The sight that greeted me on the other side of my door was nothing short of concerning. My brothers stood with my daughters' friends, cradling the smaller children in their arms while Bruce was just before the stairs, his eyebrows in his hair and pure terror on his face. I knew it had to be the twins and I had to hand it to my girls, they had ungodly great skill when it came to leaving people scared and confused. Moving to stand beside Bruce, I turned my attention to my own father, "What's up, Bruce?"

"Are they okay?" Bruce turned to look at me, visibly concerned. He wasn't scared of two teenage girls destroying his home and tormenting the residents, he was terrified for his granddaughters who were clearly in need of help. "She bit Dick then threw him out a third story window. They lit Tim on fire, Jason. Damian was duct taped to the ceiling. We can't find Alfred and the kitchen's on fire. There's knives in my walls, shattered glass everywhere, and they shaved Damian's cat."

"Twins?" Roy yawned behind me. His hair falling out of a loose bun, shirtless and in his boxers, the redhead stretched, accidentally flaunted the deep purple hickies littering his chest and trailing down towards his hips. "What are they mad about this time?"

"Mara and the engagement." Tim stated, his attention more on the red and blistering flesh on his left arm. "Apparently, Haven adopting Mara, legally or not, was news to Hailey who hadn't told anyone she was engaged to Nyles yet."

"Secrets. They're pissed because to them secrecy is betrayal and both have committed it against the other." I groaned. "Harper, armor up. Time to interfere."

"Who's my target?" Roy looked back at me as he retreated back into my room to retrieve his clothes.

"Alfred. We need to rescue him before taking on the girls. Birdies, make a full sweep of the upper levels. Rowan and Nyles, take the lower level. Jane and Alice, watch the brats. Bruce, you should probably check the cave. Roy and I will sweep the ground floor and break up the fight. Avoid contact with the twins if possible. They're weirdly strong and highly unreasonable when pissed at each other. Once you've completed your task, meet back in my room. Jane and Alice will stay there with the younger kids for now. Jackie, if I holler, Hailey is your target, got it little man?"

"You're gonna pit one kid against the other to break up a fight between sisters?" Dick blinked.

"Jackie knows he's not to make a move until I say so. This isn't the first time the twins have blown up on each other. If I holler for him, Jackie knows what to do. Don't question the functionality of my severely fucking dysfunctional family knowing how incredibly dysfunctional our family has always been." I growled. I didn't need to explain how I raised my kids. They're my kids and they're amazing kids.

"Jason," Roy grabbed my shoulder. "Drop the defensive. Dickie boy didn't mean it that way. He wasn't calling you a shitty dad. Now stow the rebellious brother and channel the protective papa bear cause Sunshine's already busted up and Shooter won't care til later."

"Let's go." I sighed. Roy and I bolted down to the ground level as Bruce made his way to a hidden entrance that would lead him to the Cave. The kids split into groups, taking their task very seriously, as my brothers disappeared into the night to look for what was essentially our grandfather even if he was called a butler. As Roy and I hit our designated zone, we made eye contact, deciding to split up and search for Alfred from different sides of the manor. Roy faded into the East wing while I took the West, both of us agreeing to meet in the middle where the twins were hard at war. Twenty minutes into the search and a group chat created by Roy came alive with texts. Bruce had found a bound and bored Alfred waiting patiently in the cave. Dick had found little damage on the top level. Tim's level was fine as well. Damian had found nothing more than glass and a scared Ace. The boys had a little more damage on their level but all was relatively fine. The girls sent a picture of the kids sleeping soundly in my bed, one wrapped in my leather jacket, the other in Roy's. Roy sent a video from just outside the living room entrance, Hailey was perched on the edge of a shelf unit, a pen stabbed through her shoulder, half her head shaved, and her eyebrow busted open. Bruises were forming all over her skin. A deep gash trailed her collarbone, her clothes were burnt and torn. Her nose was broken and, from the looks of it, so was her left wrist. Below her, wielding a sword stolen from her favorite uncle stood Haven, her back coated in blood from a wound stretching from right shoulder to left hip and a sword sticking out of her leg. I was actually surprised that Haven seemed to be the angriest of the two. Just as the video cut out, Haven threw her blade directly at her sister, it missed, but caught Hailey's shirt and pinned it to the wall behind her. I pocketed my phone and took off to stop my Flower from killing her sister.

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