The start

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Well,here we are : )
I did say I prefer writing one shots

So here's what you gotta know;
-These oneshots are about the Characters,not the CC(content creators) themselves.If they are uncomfortable with this,I will take it down immediately.

-The oneshots can range from having only one part to three parts.More than three will become a separate story(just wanna clarify that : ))

-I write AUs,found family,sad stuff(Ya'll know I love Angst so it's pretty expected lmao-),Angst with happy endings,Hurt comfort/Hurt no comfort,etc.Ya'll just have to see for yourselves.

-I don't write (I think its called) Smut/Lemon or anything related to that idk.I also don't write romantic stuff cause I'm not good at it nor am I comfortable writing it.

-All relationships are STRICTLY PLATONIC,unless I vaguely point it out as a background thing(for the CC's that are comfortable with ships,but yeah-).

-Expect swears.For goodness sake,the majority of these are going to include Tommy and ya'll know it ain't exactly him if he doesn't swear lmao- :'D
Well,it's not just Tommy who's gonna be swearing a lot.
Just...know there will be cursing.

-My oneshots consist of,usually,5000+ words or more(unless it's in parts,but that varies honestly).So expect a very inconsistent upload in this compilation since it take a million years for me to make one oneshot
(Jk,usually takes about a few weeks I guess,unless important stuff is happening,so a month at most I think?*shrugs*)

-The majority of these stories isn't gonna follow Canon because fuck Canon! : D
I write what I wanna write;so if they won't make SBI family dynamic Canon I'll make it myself-
So most of the time it's canon divergence(or something like that) and AUs.

Fun fact;I made the cover.The girl is my skin in a 'good enough ripoff' of Minecraft called Mini world(cause I'm too poor to get the actual game.But mark my words!One day!I'll get Minecraft!)
I didn't know what to make for the cover so I though,"How about,since I said MCYT and didn't specify which group,I'll just add in my character as a way of saying,it's about Minecraft or some shit" or something idk-
It might change???e h-
(omg,the folds look like shiiiiiit-)

As of now,I don't take requests.
Purely because I don't think I'll be able to do them.
Also because of how many ideas I have,so piling up even more ideas might make me go crazy and forget a bunch of other stuff :'D

But maybe,in the future,I might do requests.
Just don't get your hopes up,alright?
It's not likely.

One more thing.
I made this for FUN.
I write because it's a hobby,it keeps me distracted from some...stuff,and it makes me happy and excited for when a story idea would pop into my head.Plus,it helps me with storytelling and fixing some plot holes and stuff.Keeps me busy.

It's also helps me meet other people,like you,fellow readers : D

So please,don't ask/demand for any updates.
It's not easy to write stories,especially when I have a life to live and have other fanfics to finish.

I might add more stuff here but yeah-
That's all.
Enjoy and have a wonderful day/night!


My MCYT OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now