the letter

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The house was extremely enormous and in one of the innumerable rooms, a girl was sleeping peacefully in her room... until all of a sudden, a big explosion with a really deafening noise woke her up.


I've came alive abruptly because of the loud noise, it took me a few seconds to realise it was one of my brother's stupid ideas. He had always been a troublemaker, but even though, everyone thought he was an angel, so the blame always fell on me. So, this is why living with him is very exhausting.

" DRACO come here immediately, you little bastard you destroyed my entire bedroom with those toys of yours".

" no I didn't, mom Jo is blaming me for something I didn't do"!

IT'S ALWAYS SO MESSY " my mom shouted from the floor beneath. 

" But mom I didn't d... Draco putted a dung bomb in my room and then made it explode".

" That's not true, Draco doesn't have dung booms and he certainly don't use them right darling? " Said my mom defending my brother.

" Yes mom, you're right. I've never used one. I don't even know how they work " the little shit lied.

I tried everything I could, but my mom wouldn't listen to me as usual, so I just gave up and prepared myself to go have breakfast.

We were waiting for the letters to arrive at home, you know Hogwarts letters... my parents where sure I wasn't good enough to enter that school, but even if i did i could bet they didn't care.

" I got in, I got in" shouted my brother.

So as soon my parents heard him, they rushed to compliment and adoring him,
not even noticing, as I've imagined, the second owl giving me, the letter.

Within all the times my parents ignored me, i started to get used to it, so at that moment i just went upstairs, close myself in my secret room and celebrated my victory with my cat.

her name is Trouble, bad as you can imagine it's because she always messes up everything.
she was the neighbours' pet, but i took her from her abusive owners.
Trouble was only 1 year old when i found her in my garden, and somehow, I've found out i can speak to cats, so she told me in what hell she was living.
I'm very happy to have her with me now, even because she is the only friend i was able to get in this last year.

— skip time —

" Oh, so you were able to get in Hogwarts too. Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

" Mom you were too busy giving too much attention to Draco, i thought you didn't give a shit about me so i just stayed alone."

" don't talk to me like that, don't you want your brother to be happy?" my mom started with the same old excuse.

" Yes mom "

" Ok so go now, tomorrow we are going at diagonally to buy things for school, go tell your brother that. "

" Ok mom "

hello guys, i really wish you like the first chapter.
tell me if there are any errors.
526 words.

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