9 3/4 departure

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The next morning, I woke up and went to diagonally with my family.

I found the perfect wand for me, it is made of ash wood, with snallygaster heartstring, so it's woody, and its length is 13".

But when I got out from Ollivander's my mom wasn't there to wait for me, so I just thought she probably took Draco somewhere. I got out from the store and started walking around, searching for the bookshop where I could easily buy all the books, when suddenly I bumped into a boy.

I looked back, and so he did...

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you" I quickly said.

" No no it was my fault, sorry... anyways I have to go bye." And this is how the guy left the conversation.

I was kind of confused at that moment, but what I didn't knew was that that boy was going to bump into my life again not long after.

Anyways after a wile of wondering around, I found my mom sitting just out Florian's ice cream shop. Draco was there with her admiring his knew broomstick, while eating an ice cream.

"Oh, hey sister, how are you doing... Bought something"? he said noticing me.

"Yes indeed, I don't even have to ask you though, nice broom you've got there".

"You should buy one too so we can play quidditch at home. Your broomstick is too old and doesn't work properly." He asked me.

we play quidditch since we were 6, and we have always been very good at it, so it's the only thing we enjoy doing together.

"Mmh it's not necessary now, I'll buy it next year, when I'll try to get into the quidditch team." I replied.

my mom interrupts our conversation saying:

"Come on guys, let's go home, we have to get everything ready for your departure tomorrow" and that is how we went back.

As soon as I entered the house I rushed in my room and started packing everything that happened under my nose. I was too scared to leave something behind.

I packed all my clothes, books, all the things the school asked and prepared the cage for Trouble.

The next morning i woke up at 7 am, i looked at the calendar and saw the red circle around the first of September, I checked my trunk and then started searching for the cat, that strangely I couldn't find anywhere, i even went to ask draco but his face was too convincing and i just trusted him.

So, I looked everywhere and couldn't find her, until I got into my dad studio and found her there, but with what coincidence my dad walked by and got so pissed that I risked to not go to Hogwarts.

nothing bad happened to me, but anyways I always knew that my dad's studio is off limits, so my dad gets really mad when we go in there, and so he doesn't talk to us for weeks.

But despite my dad being mad at me I was going to Hogwarts, so I just forgot him.

It was now 10:30 am and we were ready to appear at king's cross station, where we could finally reach the platform 9 3/4.

hello guys! this is the second chapter.
tell me if there are any errors.
530 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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