Where it started

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As usual, Marinette walked to school by herself. She goes to her class and sits beside Alya. "Hey Marinette, What's up you seem down.." Alya said. "It's Lila again!" Marietta replied with an evil stare to Lila. "We talked about this gurl, Lila is not lying. You're being mad for no reason" Alya explained her worries to Marinette as miss Bustier came to class. Miss Bustier then started the class.

"Hey, Lila are you free tonight??" Alya asked Layla before she and Marinette left class. "Yea I am why? If it's about the interview sure is still remember" Layla replied confidently. "What interview?! Alya today is our friendship anniversary!!" Marinette confronted Alya. However, Alya didn't care, Alya quickly turns away and told Marinette what happened yesterday.

A few days ago, Lila coincidently met Alya at the library after Marinette fought with Lila at the cafeteria. "Lila I apologize on Marinette's behalf, She usually doesn't get that mad or upset for no reason" Alya apologized.
"It's okay but, you know ladybug?" Lila asked.

After the conversation, Lila told Alya that she is a ladybug's best friend and would be playing with Alya interviewing her for her blog since it was "boring". " And that's why I CANCELED OUR ANNIVERSARY ALRIGHT STOP BEING SO UPSET ABOUT LILA, maybe she should be my new best friend," Alya yelled at Marinette.

Alya and Lila left to go do the interview. Marinette was furious, but little did she know things are going to get worst... The next day news is covering Alya's blog and what hurts Mari the most...Is that she can't do anything about that news because she can't endanger her identity.

In that news, Lila claimed to be Ladybug's best friend. She talked about how she is so proud of Ladybug. As Mari is watching the news she got really mad. Because she is a ladybug and Lila and Mari have the worst relationship anyone could have.

But next week was way worst. Alya completely ignores Marinette leading to Adrien believing Lila's lies and Nino ignores Mari as well. Little did she know something way more painful would happen

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