Chapter 5: Lazy Day

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I love you Louis I say. I lo... SERENA I heard waking me up from my peaceful slumber. WHAT I screamed out to my mum. BREAKFAST IS READY. I grab my phone and notice that i have a text from Lou. Hey can you come over to my flat today? We have a couple days until we have to go back on tour. x ~Loueh. Well... I dont know I reply Awh c'mon pweasee :( x Awh fine only for you!

I unlock Louis flat. He gave me an extra key. IM HOME BITCHES I scream. Shhhhhh Liam replies Louis still asleep. WAIT Can I wake him up?!? Please Li please. Liam smirks yeah go ahead. I reach the top of the stairs and sneak into lous room. Little did i know that the boys were watching. I jump on his bed onto his chest. ughh Harry he groans. Nope its Serena Love. He cracks a smile and brings me under the covers with me. Lou I whine. What he giggles. The boys are downstairs. Ah screw them he says. Heh.. I sit in his embrace cuddled in his chest and we both fall alseep.

*Two Hours Later*

I wake up cold with Lou not beside me. I walk down the stairs to see the boys.

Well hello sleepy head louis says and walks over to me and hugs me and kisses my forehead. He starts giggling. What i ask. He doesnt reply and points to my hair. I run into the bathroom and look at my hair. OH MY GOSH I scream. Louis comes into the bathroom and sees me trying to take my hair out. Awh love let me help he says. He starts untangling my hair.

After about 2 minutes we both unfinish untangling my hair louis turns on the sink and I get confused. Loubear i say why is the sink on. So, the boys dont hear this he says as he locks the door. He walks up to me and crashes his lips onto mine. I begged for entrance and he gladly accepts. Jump he mumbles into the kiss so, I jump and he sits me onto the sink. I run my hands through his hair as he moans. He starts kissing down my neck finding my sweetspot. He starts sucking it. Lou. Mhm he says kissing my neck. We should leave this bathroom now it's been 5 mins now. Yeah I guess he says. Oh my I whisper. What lou whispers. Look what you did to my neck! I don't have foundation! Well umm Here take my sweater it will cover it. I put on his sweater and we go out to the living room. What took you so long Zayn asks. we had to untangle my hair and brush it out. Well it doesn't look like you brushed it Niall adds. Do you mind taking off your sweater Harry says. Im really cold though I say fake shivering. Harry says yeah suree. fine I'll take it off for you. I take it off and Louis puts his arm over me so you can't see the hickey. Well there you happy. No Louis move your arm. Umm okay.. He removes his arm and it reveals the large purple hickey. Oh My Lord Liam says. What went on in that bathroom. Oh it wasn't Lou I reply it was my boyfriend. You don't have a boyfriend. Yeah I so do. Oh I bet its Louis Zayn says. No I'll show you. I show a pic of my ex and I kissing and Lou tenses up even know he knows it's fake.

Oh well Serena Harry says. Yes harold. You didn't have this mark on your neck when you first came over. I look down and blush. Louis does the same. OH MY GOSH IT WAS LOUIS Harry screams. ZAYN YOU OWE ME 20 POUNDS HAHA. Awh damn Zayn mumbles and hands Harry the 20 pounds. Are you guys an item yet. No we arent right Lou. Rigghtttt he says. I put back on the sweater. Louis whispers in my ear: leave the sweater off. I Want them to know you are off limits. Actually not technically. I'm technically single I chirp into his ear. Mhm he says. Umm you guys gonna come sit down with us? Niall asks oh um yeah yeah. I grab Louis hand taking him out of his trance. We sit on the couch and Harry picks out paranormal activity and the rest of the boys discluding louis tun off all of the lights. Ugh I hate this movie its too scary!! I cuddle into Louis chest. It is now about half way though the movie and everyones asleep including Louis. How can they sleep though the movie. I grab the remote and turn the movie off. Gosh i really have to pee but i dont want to go alone. I shake Louis. Loubear i whisper What he says while rubbing his eyes. Im scared and i have to go to the bathroom and i dont want to go alone.. Ah I see he chuckles Louis this isnt funny im really scared. Alrighty, lets go. He gets up. Louis where are you i panick. Right here love, he says and grabs my hand. I blush luckly its dark so he didnt see it. We finally reach the the bathroom after bumping into 3 walls. Oh Here ill turn around louis says. Yeah thanks i reply. I finish using the loo and we head to louis room. He gets under the covers and i lay on top of them. What are you doing louis asks. Oh im just going to asleep. Its okay you can come under the covers if you want. Okay i give in. I get under the covers.

NO PLEASE DONT. The next thing i see is louis falling to the ground dying NO! LORD WHY!! Serena I hear i wake up with tears streaming down my face. Louis your alive!! I give him a huge hug and a kiss on the lips. Oh my gosh Louis im so sorry. I get up and run to the living room and hear Louis scream SERENA WAIT. I ignore him and get my shoes on and run out the door wasting no time


She gives me a big hug and kisses my lips oh my gosh she starts. She gets up and runs out of my room. SERENA WAIT! I call out and run out of my room and into the living room to see Serena running out the door. The boys are all fully awake now. Serena wait I whisper. Woah what did we miss what happened Lou Liam asks sincerely. Oh, its nothing just go back to sleep boys. I say turning around walking back to my room. Its okay i'll call her I whisiper to myself. I grab my phone and call Serena. One ring two ring Hello i hear. Serena i start. No louis listen i didnt mean to run out on you i was just i didnt mean to. Its fine serena I-I-I liked it.... I um liked it too..... like alot... She ends the call. I hear the boys in the living room. Aw I blew my chances with Serena and i really liked her.


I'LL GET IT. I yell to the boys. OKAY all the boys say in sync. I open the door and serena runs up to me an jumps on me I quickly catch her as the boys are watching us dont forget that and she crashes her lips onto mine. I kiss back and i put her down not breaking the kiss and back her up into a wall and beg for entrance and she gladly accepts our tonuges dancing together. I squeeze her butt an.. OKAY OKAY THATS ENOUGH. the boys call out. We break apart out of breath so we were both breathing heavily and we both blush. Okay what are we missing here Harry says. Nothing we both say and look at eachother. Clearly something happened and serena left then she came back and you guys made out infront of up Harry replies cheekily. You want to tell em Serena I smirk. Nah why dont you tell them Louis. Okay fine I replies. Okay well um.. She had this dream and I apparently like died in it and i woke her up she was sweating and in tears and she said some stuff and hugged and kissed me i look at serena and she looked emberassed so i grabbed her hand and we were secretly holding hands, and she apologized an ran out. This is when you guys asked what was wrong then i went back into my room and called her and yeah all this happened. 

OHHHH!!! They all say

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