༆ "𝐖𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐛𝐫𝐨"༆

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After the little one fell asleep, Yakko steps out of the room and when he's outside he faces Wakko... They look at each other with no word. The brothers didn't want to talk about it. They were just... Not ready. As much as they wanted to, Yakko and Wakko looked away and tried to hold on their tears... Still didn't want to be apart after these two years that felt like an eternity.

"Only if I earned more.." said Wakko disappointed.   "I fell terrible." Said the boy again.

"Hey... It's okay baby bro!" Said Yakko with half of his mouth smiling. "We'll pay for Dot's operation some other way. You'll see!"

"I guess...I just... Wanted to help her, and be by her side all the time. To make her fell that she doesn't need parents because she has us. I want to make her happy like you do! All the time!"

Yakko look at him with a shoked face.

"Wh-What?" Then the oldest starts laughing so hard he barely could speak. "H--How can you think like that?!" Yakko leans and puts his arm on Wakko's shoulder in a friendly way.

"You did more that she could ever asked for! We're so proud of you're hard work lil' bro!" The oldest stops for a second and then continues.

"Wakko, we all are thankful for you're support... And we all know that from up there... *(Points at the sky)* ...Mom and Dad are as proud as they could be." 

Wakko look at the ground for a moment and then looks back at Yakko with a smile on his face. Thinking about his only few memories with... His mom and dad.

"You think so?"

"I knew so! Plus how can't you be? You were apart from this 'home' for two years, got the ha'penny, came home, and makes Dot happy in her condition?!"  He grabs Wakko's head and pushes it towed his chest..  "AND you're ONLY 14! Of course I am proud of you lil bro!"

Wakko doesn't process what just happend. There he was... After all these years.. he was hugging his brother! Finally! He's wide eyes slowly close and starts to hug Yakko back. Realizing that he'd been away for too long."

After a good and welcome hug, Yakko got up and wanted to turn in for the night. But Wakko wanted to watch the stars for a moment. His brother reminded him why were the stars so... Important.

So, the middle boy clamied over the little home that he had and stares at the stars.✰ Just at looking at the stars it was amazing! The stars reminded him of many moments with his family. His... Full family that is.

Meanwhile, Yakko didn't fell asleep... He wanted to scream. But he couldn't. He wanted to cry. But he couldn't. He wanted to say sorry. But he couldn't.

•The oldest felt overwhelmed with terrible thoughts.

"Am I even sopposed to be the big brother?!"
"Wakko hates me...How could I have let my own brother do something that I should have done?!"
"He would have probably even taken batter care of Dot!"
"I bet she hates me too!"
"B-But, Why would you even want to live with me?! See me?! Talk to me?!"
"Wait- no- I should have gone in the other town- N-Not my OWN BROTHER!"
"You're too full of you're self! You don't think about you're siblings!"
"They were better off without Yakko! Without me... I-I'm sure of that..!"
"P-Plotz Wast right! Wakko is better than me! B-But I want him to be better! I-I'm happy for him..! Aren't I?"

Yakko breathed to fast and he almost passed out. He was proud of his sibling for beeing able to get money on these times. But he was jealous too. Yakko didn't want to admit it, thus he just overlooked that thought.

Yakko only wanted to have his parents back- so that he could enjoy his teenage life a bit more! And of course, to not be in charge with almost everything that means chores, food, Wakko or Dot. But, with William and Clara being lost for years, Yakko began to manage but was still struggling a lot with this hole parenting.

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