Chapter 1

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I was sitting on a bench in the park when I saw a bird fall out of the sky. I immediately got up and started running toward it to see if it was hurt. When I got to it, someone else was already kneeling down next to it.

"Is it ok?" I asked. I hated seeing animals that were hurt.

"I don't know. It looks pretty bad. Its wing is all bent up. Look," said the boy examining the bird. When he turned around, I didn't know what to say. He was cute. He looked like he was about my age.

"Oh yeah, that does look bad. We should take it to the vet," I replied quietly. I didn't have a car, I was about to get one and my parents and I were finishing paying for my new car. 

"Do you have a car? I do if you want to come with me to the vet. You seem interested in animals," he said with a smile.

I looked up at him. I was interested in animals. "No, I don't have a car, but I can't just ride with a stranger! I don't even know your name!" I said. He smiled.

"Sorry, I totally forgot! My name is Ethan. How about you? You haven't introduced yourself either," he replied.

"M-my name is Tiffany," I stuttered. Wait, why did I stutter?

"Well Tiffany, I think we are going to be friends," Ethan said. Then he smiled again. Man, he had a great smile.

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