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166. Firefighters use wetting agents to make water wetter.

The chemicals reduce the surface tension of plain water so it's easier to spread and soak into objects, which is why it's known as "wet water."

167. Humans start to think about sex relatively early in our life spans. By age 19, about 70 percent of American teenagers have had sex.

168. Octopuses lay 56,000 eggs at a time.

The mother spends six months so devoted to protecting the eggs that she doesn't eat.The babies are the size of a grain of rice when they're born.

169. Blue whales eat half a million calories in one mouthful.

Those 457,000 calories are more than 240 times the energy the whale uses to scoop those krill into its mouth.

170. Turkeys can blush.

When turkeys are scared or excited-like when the males see a female they're interested in-the pale skin on their head and neck turns bright red, blue, or white.

The flap of skin over their beaks, called a "snood," also reddens.

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