Chapter 2

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        Delilah lied sprawled on the couch, munching Puffed Cheetos in the dark while watching TV. Two months have passed since Delilah saved the officer's life. Cheeto crumbles fell on her faded white T-Shirt as a police officer on her TV show was about to arrests a criminal. "Freeze!" the police officer yelled. Delilah jumped, startled. It was louder than expected. She turned the volume down when it happened again. "Freeze!" Red and blue lights shined through the house windows. Delilah got up and stared out of them. She stopped, the bag of Cheetos falling to the ground. "We have you surrounded, come out now!"

        Delilah put on her untied red high tops, then ran to the coat rack by the door and put on her military green jacket, running out the door. The officer stood leaning on the car, smiling, arms crossed and megaphone in hand. "Andrew!" Delilah exclaimed. "That's not funny!" Officer Andrew laughed. "It was to me" "Turn off those lights. People are sleeping!" Delilah said as she paced towards Andrew, arms crossed. 

        "Fine, Fine" he said smiling. He reached inside the car and flipped the switch, the lights turning off. Andrew grinned. "Oh my gosh" Delilah said trying to control her laughter. "You are so annoying" "I know, I know" Andrew smiled. "But this is important" Andrew's face turned serious. "What is it?" Delilah asked worried. "There's a problem in Washington D.C. The riots are growing out of hand there. We've been called by the government to sort it out" Delilah's eyes widened.

        "You mean...the President wants us to calm the riots?" "Well I guess he's seen all the protests we've stopped. Miami, New York, L.A... I guess he's impressed" Delilah stood shocked. "When do we leave?" "Right now"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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