Chapter 1

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        'You're the real criminal!' "Who are you protecting, yourselves?' 'What happened to the law?' The protesting signs intimidated Delilah. She walked on Main Street, Chicago with Melanie and millions of other protesters. They marched and looted, screamed and fought, smashed cars and shattered windows. Delilah had no idea the protests would be like this. If she did, she would have at least tried to convince a fraction of Melanie to not go. Either way, Melanie would have refused.

        "Delilah, come on! They're selling signs for a dollar!" Melanie exclaimed. "How about I wait for you here" Delilah said. Melanie ran to a booth in front of a ruined store with shattered windows. Delilah turned and marveled at the destruction and corruption of man. "Hey!" Delilah heard Melanie yell. Delilah quickly turned and searched for Melanie through the thick curtain of police and protesters. 100 police officers surrounded everyone around the sign booth and handcuffed them. "Melanie!" Delilah yelled. Delilah tried to break through the wall of people. She was close to Melanie when a police officer kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying into another officer.

        Delilah began to apologize out of habit. The officer pulled something out of his utility belt and Delilah nearly fainted from fear of being killed. He pulled out a bottle and sprayed it into Delilah's eyes. She screamed and covered them as she turned away from the officer and fumbled about. The officer kicked the backside of her knees and began to handcuff her, until Delilah heard sirens and the smashing of glass. "Hey!" the officer yelled. "Charlie, they're smashing the car!" He ran towards the noises, yelling and Delilah stayed on the floor, blind. "Delilah!" a voice said. "Melanie?" Delilah cried. "Is that you? Where are you?" She screamed over the roar of the crowd. "I'm here" Melanie helped Delilah to her feet. "But the cops? How'd you-?" "Don't ask" Melanie replied. "Here" Melanie put a small, fuzzy sphere into Delilah's hand. "Break it in half and put one on each eye. Your vision will return in a few seconds." Delilah did as told and her vision cleared. "Thanks" Delilah said. "Can we go home now?" "Yeah" Melanie replied. They pushed their way through the opposing tides of an ocean of people.

        "Back up! We will not hesitate to use defensive measures!" Delilah heard. She turned and saw the officer who pepper sprayed her and she guessed Charlie surrounded by 20 protesters with pipes and pieces of glass as weapons around the police car. "Oh, no" Delilah whispered. Melanie looked where Delilah was looking. "Eh, they deserved it." Melanie said and began to walk away. Delilah ran towards the commotion as Melanie said "Delilah, what are you doing!" She ran to the middle of the circle and stood in front of the police officer. "Stop!" Delilah yelled. "What are you doing?" one of the protesters shouted. "Are you on their side?" "No! Look, I know the police are the most terrible people right now, but we are no better, worse, if we hurt or kill them! They may be the worst people but they're still people, with lives and families. They may not enforce, much less follow the law, but we do. We aren't animals and we can't just hurt people because we disagree! We will not stoop down to their level! If we, civilians, have problems, we'll fix them on our own, without the police. And if the police are the problem...then we'll fix that too. But like Americans! Civil and just people who have evolved and grown way to much to go back now. Let's do this right."

        Silence filled the street. Everyone stared at Delilah who blushed violently. "She's right" the officer said just as she felt she would implode with stage fright. "The police have gotten out of control and I will personally see to it that these acts of injustice stop. If it makes you feel any more trusting in me, I will take Delilah so she could help. On behalf of all the police departments, I apologize and sincerely hope you will all forgive us for everything we've done."

        Everyone seemed anxious and a little ashamed to Delilah. Like they've forgotten their humanity and wish to regain it. The crowd dispersed. In a few minutes, the only ones left were the officer, Charlie, Melanie and Delilah. "Why'd you do that?" the officer asked. "What?" Delilah answered. "Save us. I pepper sprayed you, and kicked you, and began to handcuff you." Delilah pondered. "I forgave you."

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