How to heal.

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How to Heal.

I always said that if duct tape, Q-bond, wine or a shower cant fix it then its really broken

But only God can heal. Only God can heal you and He is VERY good at it

When we get hurt we sometimes ask ourselves Why God?

But God knows. All our trails have come to test us. To test our faith and to teach us lessons.

Healing takes time, but it also needs Gods healing, love and blessing.

All the stories of Jesus healing was so different. The blind, paralysed, malaise, sick and dying. They all had two things in common.

They BELIEVED that Jesus could heal them and they ASKED. There where a few exceptions when Jesus took it into His own hands, but there it is a biblical fact the majority had to BELIEVE and ASK.

No matter how you are hurt in life. God can heal you if you ask and believe. He is the potter and we are the clay and sometimes when He forms us it hurts sometimes, but He has such a beautiful plan for your life that the past scars wont matter anymore. It makes us who we are. Our experiences, our stories, our pain that is what makes us who we are. That is how we are formed?

I am not saying that He wants to hurt you to heal you to learn you. It sounds a bit cruel and God is not cruel. He is the God of love. How many of our pain is done by our own hands?

How much of our own pain did we cause? A lot I think. There are some pains and struggles that is out of our hands and just happened and then we think it is from God.

Pain is what happens happens and there is a reason for eveyhing. Trust Him and His plan for you.

Let go your past embrace the future with Him.

The story of Job is a favourite. Funny to say, but almost a bet between God and Satan. Job had a lot of pain in a lot of ways – he lost EVERYTING, but He did not let go of God.

Satan said that it was easy for Job to be such a good servant of God, because he had everyitng by Gods genocicity.

Job 1 verse 9 Then Satan answered the Lord and said, does Job fear God for no reason? Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side?

Satan tried to make the point that Job was only a good servant since he was so protected by God.

Then God says that Job will still serve Him even when Satan takes Jobs property and Children.

Job 1 verse 12 - And the Lord said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch our your hand.

Here God is giving Satain PERMISSION to go and take away Jobs children and property? He tells the devil that his servatnt Job that all that he has is in Satans hands?! But there is the beauty of it. No matter what trails we go through He knows we will be strong, because we have Him. This story continues even further Satan gives Job sores.

Job 2 verse 4 and in verse 6 God says – Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life

Job is suffering, but he still trusts God!

Job 2 verse 10 – Shall we receive good form God, and shall we not receive evil?

What the devil did to Job he accepted. He knew God was still good.

Never lose faith God is in the storm. He brings trails to teach us not to punish us.

What is broken He can heal.

Job 5 verse 18 – For He wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal. He will deliver you form six troubles; in seven no evil shall touch you.

I was looking for this verse, but couldnt remember where I saw it. Maybe in Psalms? Song of Solomon (lots of good wisdom and advice there. Was it there?) As I started writing without the verse I prayed that something would be laid on my heart – the story of Job then came as I typed. Amen. As I referred back to the story there it was Amazing?

Another amazing thing is that Job says YOU he does not say ME in this verse? This is applicable to everyone and not just Job otherwise he would have said ME?

In the end God gave restored Jobs fortunes AND he gave Job twice as much as before!

We may not always understand the pain we are going through, but God can heal it!

Ask God to heal you and BELIEVE that he will – He can. Ask with an open heart so that you may receive.

Healing can be letting go of the past, accepting tough circumstances or from pain that someone has caused.

Psalm 147:3 – He heals the broken hearted

If you never heal form what hurt you, youll bleed on people who didnt cut you.

Forgive. Let live. Let go.

Lord I pray for those who read this that they shall seek you and find you and they will. I bless them in your Holy name and may they always be reminded of your goodness. I pray that they open their hearts and invite you in to do your good work.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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