Part 1

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I was feeding my kids cereal in the morning. We had to hurry because we were going to be late for work. Zola is 8, Bailey is 7, and Ellis is 5. They ate quickly and I put their coats on because it was December and the cold started coming in. I drove the kids to the hospital. It was Saturday, so they didn't have school. I took them up to daycare and they ran in to play with their friends. I smiled watching them. I looked at Ellis playing and she looked so much like him. I missed him so much. I left and went to the attendings lounge. I grabbed my fresh scrubs that I put into my locker earlier. I changed into them and put my regular clothes into the locker. I grabbed my pager and clipped it on the waist of my scrub pants. I walked out of the lounge and went to Amelia because I was working with her today. I found her at the nurses station

"Hey Amelia what do we got" I said quickly

"Subdural hematoma and fractured ribs due to a car crash" she said as we walked to the patients room.

A resident and 2 interns were already in there.

"Wilson present" Amelia said to the new intern.

"Andrew Glass, age 54, car crash with serious injuries" she said

I nodded and Amelia took his CT and put it on the board. She turned the light on.

"Do you see this Mr. Glass" she asked

"Yes" he said to the blood clot

"Ok so we have to get you into surgery and Dr. Grey will be fixing your ribs" she said

She left with her interns and I stayed with Wilson in the room.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Grey" I said shaking the mans hand

"Hi Dr. Grey may I just say you look very dashing" he smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

"Are you ready to go" I asked

"Yes" he said

The nurses came in and took his bed. I went to the scrub room and put my ferry boat scrub cap and I tied my mask and started washing my hands. Amelia came in.

"You ready for this" she asked

"More than ready" I smiled through my mask

I dried my hands a little by fanning them. I walked into the OR and gowned up. I gloved and went to the patient. He was already put under. Amelia walked in and went to his head.

"Everyone ready" she asked

Everyone nodded

"Ok then. Let's begin" she said.

"Scalpel" I said

Bokhee handed me a scalpel and I started cutting. The new Ortho attending was next to me. I opened the patient up and started taking out the blood clots that formed in his stomach. He was having free fluid to his punctured lung. I started repairing his ribs and the new doctor started working on his lungs. Amelia was fixing his brain when his BP started bottoming out.

"Crap. Crap" she said to the beeping monitors

"Amelia" I asked loudly

"I- I" she said and went back to fix what mistake she did.

"You need help" I asked knowing I was certified in both neuro and general

"No I have it" she said and he flatlined.

"Paddles" I yelled

The nurses put patches on Mr. Glass's chest

Amelia wouldn't stop.

"Charge to 200. Clear" I yelled

"AMELIA STOP" I yelled at her

She finally backed up.

"CLEAR" I yelled shocking the patient

Nothing happened

"Charge to 300. CLEAR" I yelled again shocking the patient

He came back

Amelia went straight back to the bleeding she caused on the patient. I went back to repairing the broken ribs. I grabbed the shards of bones that were under his intestines from his ribs.

10 hours later

That procedure was long and I'm exhausted. We saved the patient. I found Alex and we started walking together

"Hey your kids are with Arizona. She left me here and wanted me to tell you" he said as we were walking down the hallway

"Thanks" I said

We went down to the cafe because I was starving. We grabbed sandwiches and started eating them.

"Do you keep getting texts from Christina. She keeps saying she sent a present for me and I have no idea what it is" I said eating my sandwich and drinking a sip of my water.

"No" he said

"Oh I have no idea what she wants me to do. I texted her about it and she keeps saying to look harder" I said back

He looked at me.

"Well she needs to come back soon because I do miss her" he said finishing his sandwich

"Me too. You should come on our FaceTime dates and tell her that" I laughed

"Why would I let her know that I miss her" he smiled

I laughed. I finished my sandwich and we walked together. We ended off splitting off and I found Maggie.

"Hey is there anyway I could get another cardio person down here for awhile" I asked

"You mean Cristina" she smiled

"Yes. I mean if she wants, but I would love to work with her on something" I said

"I say yes, but ask teddy she has a little more power over me" she laughed and rolled her eyes.

She was way better than teddy. Physically and personally. I laughed and walked away.

I went into the elevator and checked my phone.

"Have you found it" Christina texted

"No I haven't-" I was about to text and the new Doctor came in.

"Hi Dr. Grey" he said

"How do you know my name" I said turning around and looking at him.

"Cristina told me a lot about you in Sweden. You two are something sisters" he said confused at the end

I started laughing

"Twisted sisters" I smiled

"Yes that" he laughed with his Swedish accent

He started flirting with me and at that moment I realized there wasn't a actual gift. He was the gift. He's been really nice to me, Cristina did a good job.


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