Part 3

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After my shift I put a fancy white shirt and black pants with heels on. I walked to the lobby and Hayes came up to me.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said getting up from the couch

"You ready" he asked

"Yes" I smiled

We drove to a fancy restaurant and sat down at a booth.

"So tell me a little about yourself" I asked him

"Well I have 2 kids. They get on my nerves, but I love them" he laughed

"My wife passed a couple years ago, but it's okay now. I love baseball and basketball. My favorite food is salmon and yeah that's pretty much all I can think of" he laughed

"What about you" he asked

"Well I have 3 kids as you know" I laughed

"Honestly nothing really that exciting. I love surgery" I smirked

"Oh yeah" he laughed

"Yeah" I laughed

"I've been thinking about switching to peds" he said

"Do you love kids" I smiled

"Yes and I miss my young ones" he laughed

"Me too" I laughed

Ellis is already 5. I miss little babies, but I'm not going to be in peds.

We ordered our food and made small talk until the food was done. We got our plates and started eating.

"Wow this food is amazing" I said

"Yes it is" he said

We ate and had a fun little date. He walked me to my car and was looking at me. I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for this" I whispered

"We should do it again sometime" he laughed

"Yes we should" I laughed

I got back into my car and drove home. The kids were asleep. I walked in and Amelia and Maggie were on the couch.

"Sooo" Maggie said

I looked at them

"So what" I smiled

"How was it" Amelia said

"I mean it was just a regular date" I said

"Mmhm sure it was" Amelia said

"Okay well I have a long surgery tomorrow. I'm going to bed" I said walking up the stairs

"You sure you aren't tired from" I heard Amelia smirk

"Amelia stop talking" I said

I went upstairs smiling wide. I walked into each of the kids rooms. I kissed them good night and tucked them in more. I went to my bedroom and immediately fell asleep. I woke up the next day and took a shower to wake myself up. It was 7am. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I changed into black silky dress pants and a light blue shirt. I tucked it into my pants. I grabbed heels and put them on. I went downstairs and the kids were eating breakfast.

"Are you guys ready for school" I asked

"Yesss" Zola and Bailey yelled

I went over to Ellis and kissed the top of her head. I grabbed some eggs that Maggie made. We all ate and I grabbed the kids lunches. I put them in their backpacks and everyone piled up in my car.

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