Chapter 25

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Ruby's POV

I enter the room feeling anxious and slightly angry at the world. I go to stand next to a stunned Harry as the other contestants look to us with confusion on their faces.

"Do zey want us in ze Hall?" Fleur asks us in confusion.

Harry stutters for a response while I roll my eyes in frustration. Not at her, but at the situation in general.

"No, there was just a change of events that is going to be an inconvenience and a major pain in my a-" the sound of arguing interrupts me as we turn to see Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Maxime, Snape and Crouch making there way into the trouphy room.

"Harry! Harry, did you put your name in the goblet of fire!?" Dumbledore asks, not so calmly, as he grabs Harry by the shoulders. I look at him with wide eyes and move to the side a bit to stay out of this as much as possible. I am not in the mood to be interrogated at the moment.

"No, sir." Harry says with a shocked look on his face.

"Did you ask an older student to put your name in?" Dumbledore asks.

"No, sir." Harry repeats and Dumbledore turns to me.

"Ruby, did you put your name in the goblet? Or asks someone to go it for you?" Dumbledore asks me in a much more calmer way than he just did with Harry.

"No. Why would I want to participate in a death tournament? I get into enough trouble on my own without it." I say as Moody's walks in.

"Ah, but of course zey are lying!" Maxime says while glaring at us. Giving me a pretty nasty look in particular. What's your deal, lady?

"Like hell they are." "Excuse me!?" Moody and I say at the same time. I am about 2.5 seconds away from beating the hell out of this woman. I don't care if she is ten feet tall. It just means she will fall harder.

Harry seems to sense my growing anger and grabs my shoulder to prevent me from doing something I may regret.

"The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have hoodwinked it. magic beyond the talents of fourth years." Moody says. I raise and eyebrow at him. He seems to have put a lot of thought into how someone can trick the goblet. Suspicious, if you ask me.

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Moody." Karkaroff says, voicing my thoughts.

"It was once my job to think the way Dark wizards do, Karkaroff." He says as his magical blue robot eye looks towards me. I'm not buying it. This guy still gives off a bunch of red flags. I don't trust him.

He looks away from me and back to Karkaroff. "Perhaps you remember..." Moody trails off.

"Barty... I leave this to you." Dubledore says and I look to Crouch with a hopeful look. Come on man, don't make me and Harry participate in this thing.

Crouch stands by the fire, staring into the flames blankly, face cast in a eerie half shadow. I notice Moody's blue eye vibrate with a strange intensity as he looks to the older man.

"The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter and Miss Denbrough have no choice. They are, as of tonight, Triwizard Champions." Crouch says. I look at him with shock and anger.

"Are you fu*king kidding me." I growl lowly with anger. Everyone looks at me in shock.

"Miss. Denbrough." McGonagall says in an attempt to calm me down. I ignore this as I start pacing the room.

"You're saying that me and Harry have no choice but to participate in a tournament that can possibly get us killed against a bunch of 7th years who have the advantage of knowing way more about magic than we do? You want us to compete even though we wanted nothing to do with this in the first place? That is stupid! Who even thought that starting this competition again would be a good idea? You would think that with the ridiculously high death toll people would just learn their lessons! But no! It just had to come back! And someone just had to rope me and Harry into it. I mean, come on. Just one year without having to face a near death experience! Just one!" I rant as I pace the room.

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