Harry Potter!

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Harry Potter

Kitty Noir: ick...

Queen Mari: chill in this episode we will be looking at funny harry potter moments

Kitty Noir: Does it involve any kind of physical pain on their side?

Queen Mari: i mean pain as in embarrassing

Kitty Noir: ...meh

Queen Mari: we can also force the cast to watch it. We could watch bloopers!

Kitty Noir: ...does it involve physical pain on their side?

Queen Mari: one is a crier

Kitty Noir: Works for me!

Queen Mari: you get the cast while i set up the video

Kitty Noir: *Looks up the cast on google* Alrighty... *Poofs them over*

Queen Mari: OK!

Harry: what the

Hermione: *takes out her wand* who are you

Ron*drops his wand*

Draco: who are you

Queen Mari & Kitty Noir: your worst nightmares

Draco: wait till my father hears about this

Kitty Noir: ...nice...we are gonna watch y'all do random stuff and hopefully get hurt!

Queen Mari: First let me just say Draco you say "wait till my father hears about this way to much" als your SO dang dramatic *turns to camera* dont believe me look at this

Draco: that proves nothing

Kitty Noir: ...this kid...

Queen Mari: before we continue heres a video for the poor souls who don't know what harry potter is

Kitty Noir: Uck do I have to watch it?

Queen Mari: yes its important and its only 99 sec

Kitty Noir: Thats 99 seconds of nothinggg

Queen Mari: if you don't watch it you cant torture them

Kitty Noir: You're killin me Queenie!

Ron: w-what do you mean can't torture us

Kitty Noir: *Poofs a prod and lights it* :D Eh?

Ron & harry jump into each other arms*

Kitty Noir: *Brings the prod dangerously close to them* hehehe

Hermione: why are we here

Queen Mari: so we can laugh at you and point out how stupid some of you are*cough* ron *cough*

Ron: im not stupid

Kitty Noir: Sure ya aren't *Spins the prod and drops it, causing Ron to get electricuted* Oopsie

Queen Mari: *laughs*

Ron: owwww

Kitty Noir: hehe

Hermione & Harry :*holding in their laughter*

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