New Studio Part 2!

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New Studio Part 2!

Kitty Noir: HIYA EVERYONE! Kitty Noir here!

Queen Mari: Me too!

Kitty Noir: ...oh yeah...her too...

Queen Mari: how could you forget me?

Kitty Noir: Well I'm sorry for being too excited that I forgot you!

Queen Mari: hmmm

Kitty Noir: :DDD

Queen Mari: *yawns*

Kitty Noir: No yawning on set! Especially since today's fun fun fun!

Queen Mari: but i'm sleepy and hungry

Kitty Noir: *Poofs a croissant*

Queen Mari: oHhH croissant

Kitty Noir: Yum yum :)

Queen Mari: thank youuuu *starts eating peacefully*

Kitty Noir:'s in out NEW studio YAAAAAAAY

Queen Mari: yay

Kitty Noir: SO we are gonna do whatever we finished off with last time and have some fun! people too! *Poofs some people*

Voltage: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Running around*

Quickshot: Oh...not this again...

Voltage: *Breaks something*

Quickshot: oh primus...

Kitty Noir: YEP!

Voltage: *picks up a grenade* OOOOOOO

Quickshot: No Voltage don't touch that *Takes it from him*

Voltage: NOOOOO Give it baaaaaack!

Quickshot: *sighs*

Queen Mari: Why do we just have a grenade lying around anyway?

Kitty Noir: In case I want to blow something up...isn't that obvious?

Queen Mari: Yes...that makes sense haha

Voltage: *Runs into a wall and falls over*

Quickshot: *groans*

Kitty Noir: Hey! Remember when you just to run into walls because you thought-

Quickshot: Shut it Cat!

Tony: ...oh no...Elizabeths not here right?

Elizabeth: whats that supposed to mean!!!

Tony: -_- aaaand she is...great...

Deya: pfft Ha! Good luck with that!

Mal: what the-

Queen Mari: no cursing

Kitty Noir: *whisper* frag...

Queen Mari: *rolls her eyes* everyone meet Mal

Kitty Noir: HIYA!

Macy: *yawns* where am i

Quickshot: In the pits of kaon

Deya: Hell

Kitty Noir: Don't say that *Wacks Deya in the head and kicks Quickshot*

Macy: i mean ive done things...

Deya: Haven't we all?


Mal: *starts mediating*

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