Midnight Visits

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A/N: Hey! I decided to try out third person POV for this one shot. Let me know if you like it! Also, this is off the idea that Thalia can still be a hunter while dating Reyna. I like to think that's how it works.

Thalia POV:

Thalia woke up with a start, looking around wildly at her surroundings, her fingers gripping the handle of her dagger. Her erratic breathing slowed marginally as she recognized the building she was in.

The hunters had visited Camp Jupiter for supplies and some kind of important meeting thing that Artemis, or rather, Diana (Thalia hated her Roman name; seriously, Artemis sounded so much cooler) couldn't skip. Artemis had decided that all the hunters could spend the night in tents surrounding her Roman temple.

The recognition of where she was didn't do much to soothe her. She had just had a nightmare about Reyna. Her girlfriend had been in danger, cornered by a pack of Empausi, trying to fight all of them herself. Thalia had been right there, trying to help, but she had been frozen in place watching Reyna get attacked.

She had to know if Reyna was okay. Yes, maybe it was stupid to worry when they all went to bed at the same time, and yes, the logical part of her brain knew nothing could really be wrong. They were safe in camp. But she couldn't help but worry about Reyna's safety.

Thalia was right in the middle of 9 other hunters and tried her best to not shift too much as she unzipped her sleeping bag as quietly as she could and stepped around the other girls. But as she was undoing the tent flap, Henrietta, one of the hunters, whispered out into the dark. "Thalia? Where are you going?"

"Uh... bathroom." Thalia lied quickly, running a hand through her hair. The circlet she normally wore was with her stuff.

"Ok." She accepted Thalia's answer sleepily and turned back around on her pillow.

Now that she was in the clear, Thalia ran through Camp Jupiter and eventually arrived at Reyna's villa. She grabbed the spare key that only she and Reyna knew the location of and slipped through the door quietly.

Thalia breathed a sigh of relief as she opened the door to Reyna's bedroom. Her girlfriend was safe and sound, sleeping contentedly on her huge bed. The stress lines Reyna normally wore weren't present when she was sleeping and her hair was stretched out over her many pillows. She somehow looked flawless while she was sleeping. Thalia could bet that she wasn't a pretty sight to behold when unconscious.

Reyna was okay, and that meant that this was for nothing, Thalia mentally berated herself. As she turned to leave, however, something caused her to turn back.

In her defense, it was an opportunity she just couldn't pass up. There Reyna was, on a real bed that was much more comfortable that any sleeping bag could ever be, and she could just leave in the morning anyway. The worst Henrietta could do was put her on dish duty, so why not?

Careful to not wake Reyna up, Thalia expertly slid under the purple sheets that adorned her bed and carefully wrapped an arm around Reyna. All at once she was enveloped by the scent of vanilla and the feel of Reyna's warm touch on her skin. Reyna stirred a bit and Thalia froze, not daring to move a muscle; but Reyna just turned around in her sleep and cuddled subconsciously into Thalia's side, nuzzling into her chest.

Thalia practically melted at the sight of her girlfriend. The big bad Roman Praetor, she thought, literally snuggling me in her sleep.

Thalia ran her fingers through Reyna's hair gently, admiring her long & thick locks that she loved so much. She yawned and pressed her chin on Reyna's head, putting her other arm above her as a pillow and enjoying the feeling of Reyna being in her arms. She was fast asleep within minutes.
Reyna POV:

Reyna felt the warmth of the sun filtering through her window before anything else. She shifted away from the light in her half-awake state to get some more rest but started when she felt something that was most certainly not her bed. In fact, this something was solid, and warm, and Reyna just now picked up the smell of pine.

She shook herself awake and blinked to adjust to the light before taking account of her position.

Thalia had both of her arms wrapped around Reyna, one placed at the small of her back and the other just around her head. Their legs were tangled together and the sheet that Reyna had put on the bed was wrapped around both of them.

Now, normally Reyna would love to wake up to this, but she was 100% certain that she had gone to bed alone last night. She sat up quickly, effectively causing Thalia to start stirring, seeing as though Reyna had been tucked protectively under Thalia's chin.

Thalia blinked awake and looked up at Reyna. "Morning Rey-Rey." She said, her voice heavy with sleep. Thalia smiled as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

"Thalia, what the hell are you doing in my room?" Reyna asked.

Thalia's face flushed as she sat up beside her. Sorry, I-uh... I didn't mean to...? She tried, looking at her rather sheepishly.

Reyna looked back incredulously. "Thals, how did you even get in here?"

"Spare key." She answered easily.

"And why are you here?"

Thalia did anything but meet Reyna's eyes. "Well, I... I had a nightmare." She looked back at her and Reyna nodded, motioning for Thalia to continue. "You were in trouble and, I don't know, I guess I was scared. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

Reyna pursed her lips, trying to hold back a smile as Thalia explained her intentions. "Ok, and this led to me waking up with you in my bed... how exactly?"

Thalia sighed and started speaking, flustered. "Look, you were just so beautiful, and you were sleeping in this bed that's a million times more comfortable than some sleeping bag, and I was just watching you get attacked in my dream, so I was already a bit... on edge. And I was tired, and... and I just couldn't help it, okay?!" She looked at me exasperatedly.

"Thalia," Reyna started, looking at her girlfriend and her doe eyes, "it's ok, just please wake me up next time so I don't get scared like that again, hmm?" She dipped her head and kissed Thalia softly. Thalia nuzzled into her shoulder and gave a hum of agreement.

As if an epiphany had struck her, Thalia bolted back and looked Reyna in the eye. "Are you saying you'd let me do this again? That there will be a 'next time'?!"

It was Reyna's turn to blush. "I mean, I don't exactly mind waking up like that." She said, looking down and fiddling with the sheets between her fingers.

Thalia lifted her chin and grinned. "I love you, you know that?"

Reyna smiled. "You've told me once or twice." She shrugged.

Thalia ended up on dish duty for the rest of the week.

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