I Think I Wanna Marry You

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"You are way too obsessed with your girlfriend." Annabeth whispered across the table.

Thalia startled, knocking her knee against the picnic table they were sharing. She was visiting New Rome to see Annabeth at college. She was also visiting Reyna, but they had already spent the last few nights together, and Reyna needed to work. So, Thalia though it would be best to spend some time with her favorite blondie. Even so, her mind couldn't stop drifting to her girlfriend and the night they had shared two days ago.

Thalia rubbed her knee and turned to face Annabeth again, who was smirking slightly at her flustered state. "Sorry Annie, I know I should be focusing on you right now."

"It's alright." Annabeth laughed. "You're just so different when you're around her. It's like taking a wolf and reducing it to a puppy. And you know what I think?" She smiled, leaning closer to Thalia. "I think you're whipped."

Thalia looked down at her hands and interlocked her fingers. Maybe she was a little whipped. Even Artemis had made a not so sly remark after Thalia had ducked out of the last trip with the Hunt in favor of staying in New Rome for a while. The goddess had a bit of a soft spot for Thalia, and was generally lenient with her requests for time off, especially after appointing another lieutenant to share responsibilities.

So Thalia couldn't deny Annabeth's accusation. "Yeah Annie," she sighed, "I guess I am. I just love her so much, y'know? I just want to hold her in my arms and- and never, ever let go. Is that what it feels like for you with Percy? I hope it does, because you deserve it."

She chanced a glance up at Annabeth only to find a surprised expression painting her face. She seemed to think about something for a moment and opened her mouth to speak.

"I think that's the first time I've gotten you to admit how deeply you care about that girl." Annabeth smiled at her, clearly happy for her best friend. She laid down her Latin textbook and placed her hands in Thalia's.

Thalia took notice of the diamond ring on her left ring finger. It had been there since the summer before Annabeth and Percy's senior year of college. And she had a sudden realization that shook her to her core.

"Annabeth," she looked up, eyes wide with euphoria, "I think I want to marry Reyna."

Annabeth's face didn't change, save a minute raise of an eyebrow. "Okay, sounds cool. Can I be the Maid of Honor?" And she went back to eating her fries.

Thalia couldn't believe that was the only reaction she was getting. She reached across the table and grabbed Annabeth's shoulder.

"No, seriously!" Thalia exclaimed. "I want to marry her. Like with a ring. For keeps." She nodded her head as if to point out the seriousness of her claim. But all she got from Annabeth in return was,

"And the sky is blue. Any other earth-shattering announcements you wish to make?"

Thalia ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath with a long exhale out her mouth. "This is big for me, Annie! Five years ago I was content with never being in a relationship at all, and here I am saying that I want to marry her!"

Annabeth stood up, attention firmly on Thalia. "Okay, okay. I hear you. Marriage is a big thing for anyone, and it's even bigger for you. I get that. But honestly, we all figured you'd be engaged soon anyway. You two are amazing together, and it's a bit sickening how cute you are, honestly. The only reason I'm not freaking out is that you wouldn't say any of this if you didn't really want this with her." She placed a hand on Thalia shoulder. "I know you, I love you, and Reyna loves you too. You got this, just... go at your own pace with it."

"Yeah... yeah okay. You're right." Thalia suddenly beamed a smile that could split the sky. "Oh my gods I'm going to marry her. She's going to be my wife. My wife, Annabeth."

Thalia leaned her head down on the table and started laughing. "My wife", she repeated to herself. "My wife!"

Annabeth looked on with a bemused expression. "Alright, maybe we don't let Reyna see you until the giddiness wears off."

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