Dust To Dust

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( Lads and Lasses, welcome to the beginning of story 2. its been some time and I've been busy with work but now I can say that its good to be here again for this. with AMF 1 honestly it was just a side project somehow rank 1 in Juane yeah go figure, but its time we get back into the rhythm of things as the world is slowly going back to normal however in remnant that world is gonna get a whole lot crazier and with that welcome to the beginning of book 2 A Mercenaries Fate - Remnants Mercenary)

January 18 2563 19:02 PM-

Anima, Vale 2 years after Fall-

The harsh dark winter that overcame Anima this time of year was in full effect. as the dark skies loomed overhead, followed by the thick white clouds of heavy snow that fell down to Remnants ground. The city of Vale, while still barely standing after the events of that fateful night two years ago stands nonetheless, homes being rebuilt but Grimm still walk the roads of empty streets that use to be full of life. but now is only slowly becoming something.... more.

"Contact!" Yelled a man wearing black armor with red and white decals as multiple soldiers sharing the same colors are firing at an anomaly flying fast past them slowly taking them out. as the thick snow made vision almost impaired they relied on the equipment they were given but was futile to the high caliber rounds being fired killing solders faster then they can spot it out until only one remained standing as the solder drew his firearm up scanning around themselves shaking with fear "SHOW YOUR SELFS" the man yelled in command but received no answer until it saw a shift in the air near him to which he fired his gun blindly in the direction in hopes of landing his mark but hit nothing before he herd footsteps coming fast from behind him. the soldier rapidly turned to face the intruder coming his way but saw nothing but something collide to his helmet sending him flying backwards before feeling another force of impact hit him from behind as he was slammed to the snowy floor.

barely able to stay conches from the pain the solder heard two pairs of foot steps walk up to him in a last moment attempt for survival the soldier drew his sidearm and aimed it at a figure before a invisible force gripped his arm keeping it from moving any further before the force reveled a black armor glove gripping his arm as the solder looked he saw the figure being a armored man but with a noticeable scratched and faded X on the faceplate of the helmet

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A woman's voice was heard as the soldier look forward and saw a purple armored figure walk up with a glowing rifle like weapon grasped in her hands "now buddy we have a few way of what going to go down and you better answer correctly or else my friend here will be the last thing you see" the Girl threatened as the X solder ripped the sidearm from the black armored mans hands before chucking it away "I-Ill never talk, The Queen would rip my spine out if I gave anything to you fucks!" the Soldier yelled before a knife was stabbed into his leg as he cried out in pain "We weren't asking" The X soldier spoke as he twisted the blade as the snow beneath them turned red from the blood. "OKAY ILL TALK!" the man yelled as the twisting stopped as blood continued to seep out "we have an outpost 2 klicks northeast of vale armed men about 25 all holding some prisoners and other resources that's all I know!" the solider yelled as the two other armored figures looked at him before nodding their heads as the purple one pressed onto the side of her helmet "did you get that?" she asked as a voice on the other side of the helmet responded back "loud and clear Valor got the location marked on both of your HUDs looks like a good spot to hit next today" the two figures looked back at each other deciding if it would be good to make the hit failing to notice their prisoner was slowly reaching for a knife "Good work Ghost. We'll rendezvous later have every-" "Locus!" Valor yelled as the soldier pulled out a knife and tackled Locus to the floor as the Knife was about to be stabbed into Locus a gunshot rung out through the air as the soldiers head recoiled and blood spattered Locus helmet as the body fell limp over him "You owe me " a female voice came through coms as Locus and Valor looked around before spotting in the distance a smoking barrel of a irregular shaped Large Sniper rifle barrel.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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