Book 2: Preveiw

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(Preview of Book 2 possible change later)

Ruby was leaning against the wall, after the attack from Locus she was sent on the defense and leaving her with few options during those seconds. "I know you're there Rose. " Locus shot the wall Ruby was hiding behind as debris was launched from the bullets impact but left nothing, no Ruby in site. Continuing to be on the offensive, Locus remained cautious as he step forward weapon up and finger on the trigger ready to fire at a moment's notice. Ready for anything with one last movement Locus drew his gun over the destroyed wall and saw nothing. Soon his radar showed a dot coming at him fast before he could react a armored knee slammed into his helmet as he had lost his grip on his firearm. Ruby now taking the offense fired her magnum at Locus who avoided the incoming fire before cloaking himself  rendering Ruby unable to see along with her motion sensor being useless. Ruby keeping her guard up kept her eyes moving looking for a shimmer in the air but it was too late as she felt a fist make connection with her gut, hard too as it sent her up in the air a little before being slammed down into the ground with hard force. Without her aura she felt every bit of pain but refused to admit defeat as she quickly avoided the armored boot that was about to place itself upon her. Ruby stood her ground as Locus remained in camouflage getting hits on her, soon Ruby noticed a shiver to her left as she quickly ducked her head and delivering rapid strikes on the armored man soon knocking him out of his camo.
"You've Improved, but that not going to be enough from you" Locus taunted as he gained his stance with Ruby following suit. "You never know that, improvement is just what I'll need to beat you" Ruby readied her self and went on the offensive using her speed to her advantage darting quickly at locus closing the gap. Locus made his move and punched were his fist would meet his target but hit nothing but air as in the final few seconds she had, Ruby split herself into multiple rose tornadoes and reforming behind Locus and struck him in the back before sweeping his legs sending him on the floor. Locus quickly recovered and got the upper hand on Ruby and hitting back harder he sends his fist into her helmet kneeing her repeatedly in the gut twisting her arm behind her and sending his knee into her helmet with enough force to send her in the air before grabbing her by the leg and slamming her to the ground were she laid breathing heavily as she groaned in pain. "Not good enough Rose" Locus said as the lights turned from red to white. "Alright you two that's enough for today. and you Ruby, you okay?" Janna questioned as Ruby ripped off her helmet and spat out blood "yeah... I'm fine, god this hurts so much without aura.." Ruby laid down on her back and Janna came in with medical supplies and sat Ruby up slowly. "Now you know how we feel but don't worry you'll get better" Janna ran a check on Ruby's body and suit to make sure she was still in one piece after the beat down she'd received from her instructor "not bad today Rose your bettering yourself everyday from when we first started." Locus Removed his helmet and he had received a black eye from her attacks. "Doesn't feel like it, yes I do make progress in my training but it doesn't mean anything if I keep loosing" Ruby grew somber about her situation before she was encapsulated in a red glow as her aura was triggered to work again sense she disabled it before the training asked by her mentor. "True but from back in the UNSC you didn't make perfect in one day, or even a month. It takes a long time to become your best, and in your case your previous training as a, what did you call it? Huntress? It's done you better cause your body already has high endurance and pain tolerance because of your body's special gifts being your semblance and aura. But that doesn't mean you can rely on them if you do your bound to fail when you have nothing." Locus said as he offered his hand to Ruby to which she took and was helped on her feet but she tried to let go be he wouldn't let her as she stared at him wondering what's wrong. "When I met Felix he was a lot like you from the start but over time he grew to be a new man he once was, he had loved and lost those around him he knew that with every fail he would better himself. When I lost him that day he was ready. He knew he would leave behind an image that would never be forgotten, his name would be in the sky. And I believe, Rose. That maybe he chose you to carry his name, I may never live to know but that's up to you now." Locus released his grip from Ruby's as he slipped on his helmet which has clearly been damaged from all these years as Ruby herself shed a tear but not out of sadness before Locus made his way out of the room he turned back to his Student "that's enough for today Rose take the day you earned it" Locus with saying that left the room leaving behind Ruby and Janna who noticed Ruby's tears "you okay kid?" Ruby simply replied to her question by slipping in her helmet and pulling out Felix Energy sword hilt and looking at it. That damage that was left behind she promised not to repair as she wanted to remember her friend as he lived "yeah I'll be fine Janna, I always will be." Janna patted her back that's the spirit kid common let's got get some food I'm starving" Janna said as she raced out of the room "What oh that's bullshit all you did was watch!" Ruby ran after her to catch up.

(Alright so the story is almost done being written I'm making sure things are better and easier to read from the first one but don't worry guys this is only the tip of the iceberg of what you saw in this story and boy do I have plans anyway I'll see you all soon I hope this short preview has gotten you all a taste of what's to come and with that I'll see you all when the first chapter drops cheers)

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