Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey Hey :) how is everyone? I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. I'm on my spring break now so I'm hoping to get at least one other chapter out before the end of the week but no promises.

Thank you for the support. Much love 💕

Warning: swearing, mentions of injury


Present (3rd POV)

Upon the rise of the bright morning sun the mountains raised in snow-white brilliance as an icy cold breeze brushed itself past the tall trees of the crowded forest that surrounded a young boy walking alone in the distance.

He dragged along a big wooden cart filled with wood, charcoal, and other supplies he collected days before to distribute to a nearby village not too far from his home.

His trips into town were usually never much of a hassle at all, but today he, unfortunately, wasn't prepared for the sudden change in the weather from the previous night's storm. Bringing with it an abundance of heavy snowfall and harsh winds.

"G-geez." he huffed. "What was I thinking?" Every exhale fogged the air with a drifting, ephemeral white cloud, each barely getting the chance to dissipate before the next warm breath intruded on the cold air as he kept moving.

It was freezing outside but it was still a beautiful day. The world around him held a pristine aura, from the sunshine, and cold, to the sparkle of the snow. Even the river appeared still, yet flowed under the thinnest of ice, awaiting the gentle touch of the sun.

A silent invitation to good for the soul not to accept.

But of course, he would be lying if he said he wasn't missing the warm weather.

The farther out he traveled towards the mountain the thicker the snow got beneath him, making it harder and harder to walk let alone drag the cart.

" I better hurry this up before anyone starts to wor-AHH!"

Suddenly the boy now laid flat out face-first onto the snow after unexpectedly tripping over something. With a groan he frowned, lifting himself up and rubbing his head before turning around and seeing a small hump in the snow.

" How did I miss that?" He sighed

While tilting his head at the strange little hill he accidentally kicked so harshly, a strange sudden growth of curiosity began to overtake him.

He slowly began to walk towards it with caution. It didn't look very big and there wasn't any sign of movement.

Maybe a dead animal that couldn't make it out of the snow? It felt too soft to be a rock or something.

He was sure that it had to be some type of animal. That's certainly what it smelt like, but for some reason, he couldn't just turn away. Something was telling him to stay and make sure.

He hesitantly brushed his hands against the surface and removed some of the cold snow. As soon as a part of it became visible he could feel his heart sink in his chest.

Frantically he continued to brush away the snow, features of a person became more and more evident.'s a girl!

Her skin was as cold as ice and the palest he had ever seen.

He hovered above her in fear with his heart still racing and breathing becoming uneasy. It looked like the slightest movement could be enough to break her in two.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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