21 : Twin Effects

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"Princess... How.." Saying he was shocked was an understatement because the moment he saw Lily running over to hug him, an overwhelmed feeling attacked the stay strong barriers he build waiting for Mark to show any signs of consciousness. He tried not to broke down in front of Mook. She have been through a lot but now...

Beam hugs Lily with all his might while crying his heart out. His barriers come crashing down again after Forth before. He promised her to take care of Mark but he failed to do so.

"Daddy.... I miss you.." Lily said happily. She misses Beam so much. A month is the longest they've been away from each other.

"Why are you crying so much daddy? Everything is gonna be fine right?" Lily asked when she heard Beam crying is getting louder and his hug thighten around her.

"Five little ducks went out one day, over the hill and far away, mother duck say quack.. quack.. quack.." Lily out of nowhere suddenly sang her favourite nursery rhyme while patting Beam's back to help him calm down.

Beam laugh a little, muffle with his sobbing when he heard the song. He always sing it to Lily when she's feeling down. Beam loosen their hugs then hold both of Lily's shoulders while knelling in front of her but he keeps his head hung low not wanting to present Lily with his ugly crying face.

"I'm so sorry baby. Its daddy's fault. I was supposed to keep him safe but.... Please tell him to wake up now. He loves you the most. He'll wake up if its you. He always do. Help daddy please okay. Help..." Beam is saying in between his sobbing mess. He's done waiting and Mark is getting near to his 48 hours limit and it terrified him. What if...?

"Markie is gonna be fine. Can I see him now?" Beam nod his head vigorously. He's willing to use anything as long as Mark is awake even if it sound nonsense like Lily presence.

Aside from Beam, another figure was also stunned with Lily sudden appearance at the hospital. She met her via video calls but seeing her in flesh and blood, face to face is undescribable. Its like how she met Mark the first time. Guilt and shame entered her bleeding heart again but before she had times to overthink, a small little hand touch her's.

"Mummy.. I miss you too. Don't be too sad. Mark will be fine." Lily hugs her mother while her eyes linger to find his father looking at them tenderly. Mook wipes her tears and take a good look at her other child. Gosh, she was afraid for nothing. How can Lily be the one to comfort them when it was supposed to be them be doing it.

"Hi baby.. glad to meet you finally. We... we are very sorry.. Like daddy said, please wake him up naa. Mummy can't lose him too now. We just met and I have lots of things to do with you two." Mook, exactly like Beam hopes Lily arrival can bring changes on Mark condition. Lily smile at her mother and kiss her cheek before she walks to Kem.

"Everyone meet Boss. He's friend with Papa Forth. He'll explained how I got here while I'll go and tried to wake my brother up." Lily sneakily announced before he abruptly leave Kem to face Beam and Mook and follow the nurse to Mark ICU ward. She was laugh out loud inside seeing Kem's flustered face.

Then it hits Beam and Mook.

"Oh my God! How did she get here? Where's my mum?" Beam panicked at the sudden realization about how Lily manage to get there moreover with a stranger and there is no sight of his mother.

"You didn't know him?" Mook asked Beam. She thought the man coming with Lily is either Beam's family friend or relative so she didn't asked.

"No! I've never seen him before." Beam answered in horror looking at Kem.

Kem on the other hand was dumbfounded by the announcement making him sigh heavily because telling everyone he kidnapped Lily to Thailand wasn't a good first impression he wanted to serve the family as a stranger. Lily got him again!

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