XLII. All Bullshit

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Piper's POV:

"You're an even bigger bitch in person."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"What do you see in her?" Makena asks Jackson. "Must the sex, huh."

"Alright. I'm done." I got up and turned towards the guard, "Raid their places."

The guard pressed the earpiece, "Take everything in the apartment complex of Makena Kekoa and Victor Spence."

So that's the name of the guy.

Victor slams his head against the table. "Why me?"

Makena ground her molars, but she didn't rebuttal. There's something else that's much more precious to her. My eyes flicker towards the camera around her neck.

"I want that too." I point at her camera.

Quickly, Makena holds her camera close to her chest. "You can't. You can't take away my camera!" The guard tore the camera from her hands. "What are you doing?!" She charges at him, "Give me my camera back! That's mine! It's mine! You can't do this!"

When she finally stops screaming, her eyes glare straight into mine.

"What are you going to do about it?" I mock.

Her chest rises and falls dramatically before she decides to charge at me. Victor held her back by the waist as the guards stood in front of us.

I'm aware of the sudden switch in my personality - the weapon in my hand. Do I feel good behaving like this? Of course not. I'm raised to be better - to have a conscience. But, I also understood, if I don't behave this way, the woman in front of me will eat me up.

Just like all the others.

I can feel it.

The cold tiles of the bathroom and the cruel laughter were echoing inside.

"Did you see her? She looks like she was going to cry."

"Please. We all know it was an act. What a whore."

"I heard she got into a catfight the other day and tore off someone's hair. But then again, why are we surprised? Commoners, you know?"

"It's kind of sad, really. I mean, I feel for her. Pretending to be someone she's not just to be accepted by everyone."


Jackson grabs my arm, "Hey. You okay?" He whispers into my ear.

"Look," Victor said. "We'll tell you everything we know about Harrison Hanson."


"But, promise us two things."

"What is it?" I asked.

"One, you can't take anything from us."

"And two?"


"Why protection?"

Makena and Victor exchange looks before Makena flop on the chair. "Because we're being watched." I looked at the guard who somehow got my signal and gave Makena the camera back. She snatched it from his hands and bought it around her neck. "Your husband. He's not someone normal. And I'm not saying that because he's a runaway heir."

"Then, what are you saying?"

"You heard of E.L.I.T.E, right?"


And then, the explanation began.

Makena explains how she met Emerson when she was younger - when he was still a student at Harrison High School.

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