Chapter 10

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"Right this way" a lady from the staff lead them towards a door, opening it to reveal the rest of her team surrounding  their light and cameras set up.

"Clarance" Gary said with a hint of annoyance

"Hello" the short alien greeted, fixing his glasses "I see you still have...those"

"My bodyguards, yes- what are you doing here?" Gary asked as he walked towards a chair and sat down next to Tribore

"My job, of course" Clarance replied with a smile before turning and walking away

"My job, of course" Gary mocked in a high pitched voice quietly before sitting back and fixing his posture

Quinn ans Avocato weren't really sure on what to do but now that they were surrounded by strangers the two wanted to take their job extra seriously, standing awkwardly behind Gary's chair like two watchdogs, they glared at every movement that was directed at their boss.

"Good morning" another part of the staff greeted "your change of clothes is already in the changing room"

"Thank you" Gary nodded and stood up along with Tribore, briefly turning to check on the two bodyguards before beginning to follow the other.

The changing rooms had stalls and mirrors as well some benches. Two stalls had the name "Tribore" and "Goodspeed" written on a small board.

"Wait here" Gary gestured, his hand moving more fluidly than usual and the two quickly noticed he was returning to the "perfect" act they saw on their first day.
The two did as told and patiently waited outside his stall and somehow it hit that they were working for a famous person... They had been so used to Gary acting like an idiot and pranking them that they had completely forgotten.

A few minutes in and Tribore was the first to exit the stall, completely changed. They were dressed in a yellow dress with a spotted bandana on their head, high heels as well as some accessories the magazine probably wanted to advertise.

"Please- no cameras" Tribore posed only to look around confused "is this strange? I think it is...Gary usually is ready before me" they hummed before beginning to knock on Gary's door.

"Gary? Hun?" He called

"I'll be ready in a few!" Gary called back  quickly, some shuffling being heard from the inside

"Alright" Tribore replied unconvinced "don't be too long"

Quinn patiently waited for Tribore to leave before walking closer to the stall Gary was in
"Is everything alright?" She asked with a hushed tone

"Y-yeah!" Gary replied with a grunt "just-" there was more shuffling before the clacking of shoes and the door opened to reveal an extra tall Gary.
The man was dressed in a blue thin dress, a vintage sun hat and extremely tall heels.

"I'm in so much pain" the other squeaked

"You can't be wearing those! It will make your foot worse!" Quinn gasped

"It's ok...its just for a few- Oh my Ow" he gave a step foward while holding onto the stall for support

"Gary" Avocati finally stepped up "I don't think you should be walking on those"

"Just-" Gary inhaled "help me walk outside" he sighed

Avocato looked up at him and sighed, giving ou his arm for the other to hold for support in a way it seemed he was escorting and not helping him.
The three walked out and Gary instantly changed his posture, standing tall and smiling as if the pain was none existent.

The Bodyguard - Final Space || GarycatoWhere stories live. Discover now