#5 Insecurities

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Big Swirl Island are full with lots of amazing creatures, they all have good looks. But someone thinks that they don't look as pretty as she seemed.

Author: If you guys feel the same way as the story, don't worry. I'm here for you all :) You guys are beautiful the way you are.

Penny's pov

OMG, I can look at him all day! *sighs* if only I look pretty, then I don't have to worry so much about fitting in. There's a pretty bird in Dodo Cave, that is Della Dodo. Betty McBat is very pretty too and so as the other girls around Big Swirl. I consider myself as the "ugly duckling" because.....i don't know. Looking at the girls made me worried about how I look. I look fat and short. I like Brody, well he is my best friend, of course I like him. But something made me feel that I don't like him as a friend, like more. We do have something in common, that is we love water. They all look good, but Brody has the best look. He has a dazzling personality too. He just doesn't know that I like him more than a friend. I wish I can tell him sooner.

1 week later...

Today is going fine like other days until Swift told me something.

(Without Brody)

Swift: Hey guys. I need to tell you something.
Rod: What is it?

Swift: Brody wants all three of us to help him with something. He said I can tell you guys what he wants.

Penny: Interesting.

Swift: Brody's crush is.....

Just then the Top Wing emergency alarm rang, that means we have an emegency.

In my mind: Brody has a crush? I wonder who is it, I hope its me (excited).

(Time skip to after the mission)

(With Brody)

Penny: So Brody? Swift said you want us to help you with something.

Brody: Oh yeah. Its related to my crush. My crush is.....

My heart is pounding very fast.

Brody: Della. The prettiest bird on the Island.

Oh my gosh, my crush has feelings for another bird. I'm not surprised that he likes her but my heart  sanked at that moment.

Brody: I need help to ask her on a date at the beach with me. Can you cadets help me with it?

Rod, Swift: Sure!

I was so shocked, I can't even say anything. I was broken, its because of how I look I guess. It made me lose to my crush. My face is heated up, that's when I know that tears are going to form any moment but I managed to hold it back. Then...

Swift: Penny? Penny! Can you hear me?

Swift is waving his wing in front of my face for a while right now, I didn't notice until Rod screamed


Penny: Oh sorry. So what were you saying again?

Rod: We were talking about how Brody is going to ask Della a.k.a the prettiest bird on the island to go on a date with him.

Penny: Oh, I-I will help.

I really want to cry right now. I can't believe it.

Brody: So, what are you thinking about Penny?

Penny: Uhh... j-just p-p-penguin stuff hehe...

Swift: Why do you look like you're going to cry?

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